Evening Shade Season 2 Episode 16
Evening Shade
Season 2

Ep 16. Goin' to the Chapel (1)

  • February 3, 1992

Goin' to the Chapel (1) is the sixteenth episode of the second season of the heartwarming sitcom, Evening Shade. Set in the small town of Evening Shade, Arkansas, the show follows the lives and misadventures of the lovable characters who reside there.

In this episode, anticipation and excitement fill the air as the tight-knit community of Evening Shade prepares for a joyous event - the long-awaited wedding of Wood Newton (played by Burt Reynolds) and Ava Evans (played by Marilu Henner). As word spreads throughout the town, everyone rallies together to ensure that this special day is nothing short of magical.

The episode begins with Wood, a former professional football player-turned-coach, and his beautiful bride-to-be, Ava, making last-minute preparations for their upcoming nuptials. With the support of their friends and family, they aim to create a memorable ceremony that reflects their love and commitment to one another. As the couple navigates the chaotic whirlwind of planning a wedding, they find themselves facing unexpected challenges and hilarious obstacles along the way.

Meanwhile, the residents of Evening Shade are eagerly involved in the wedding preparations. Ponder Blue (played by Michael Jeter), the eccentric town pharmacist, takes on the role of the wedding planner, utilizing his unique style and imaginative ideas to orchestrate a spectacular event. Ponder's commitment to making the wedding extraordinary proves to be both comical and heartwarming as he goes above and beyond to ensure every detail is perfect.

The residents of Evening Shade, each with their own distinct personality and quirks, also find themselves swept up in the wedding fever. Among them is Wood's football buddies, Herman Stiles (played by Charles Durning) and Harlan Elldridge (played by Ossie Davis). The dynamic duo, known for their comedic banter, provide countless laughs as they stumble through their roles as best men, attempting to uphold their duties while causing chaos in the process.

Simultaneously, the engaging women of Evening Shade, including Wood's mother Willa (played by Ann Wedgeworth), Ava's best friend Fontana Beausoleil (played by Elizabeth Ashley), and Merleen Eldridge (played by Hal Holbrook), Harlan's feisty wife, indulge in wedding-related shenanigans. From dress fittings to floral arrangements, their infectious energy and camaraderie infuse the episode with warmth and humor.

Amidst the festivities, the show artfully weaves in heartfelt moments, exploring the relationships and connections between the characters. As the town comes together to celebrate Wood and Ava's love, they reflect on their own experiences and the enduring power of companionship, reminding viewers of the profound impact that community and support have on our lives.

With its signature blend of humor, charm, and sentimentality, Goin' to the Chapel (1) captures the essence of Evening Shade. As the anticipation builds and the wedding day draws closer, viewers cannot help but become emotionally invested in the outcome. The episode promises laughter, tears, and a heartwarming celebration of love and friendship that will leave audiences eagerly awaiting the conclusion of this two-part wedding extravaganza.

In Goin' to the Chapel (1), Evening Shade invites viewers to immerse themselves in the joyous spirit of a small town preparing for a grand celebration. With its lovable characters, witty dialogue, and genuine warmth, this episode epitomizes the beloved sitcom's ability to capture the essence of everyday life and remind us of the power of love and community.

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  • First Aired
    February 3, 1992
  • Language