Fundamentals of Sustainable Living

Watch Fundamentals of Sustainable Living

  • 2015
  • 1 Season

Fundamentals of Sustainable Living from The Great Courses is an informative series that delves into the strategies that individuals can adopt in order to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle. This series serves as a guide for individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint and become more environmentally conscious. Each episode is hosted by Dr. Lonnie A. Gamble, an academic with a background in environmental science and sustainable development.

The show begins by introducing the concept of sustainable living and its importance in today's world. Dr. Gamble underscores the need for global citizens to become more responsible in their consumption and waste generation. He elucidates the threats that climate change poses to our planet, and how the human population can contribute to mitigating these risks.

One of the fundamental tenets of sustainable living is reducing energy consumption. Dr. Gamble outlines various ways in which households can engage in energy conservation, such as using energy-efficient light bulbs, turning off electronic devices when not in use, and using renewable energy sources like solar power. He then proceeds to discuss other aspects of sustainable living, such as water conservation, waste management, and sustainable food consumption.

The series also highlights the importance of conservation and preservation of nature. Dr. Gamble delves into the importance of biodiversity conservation, and how it can positively impact ecosystems. He discusses the interconnectedness of human beings and the natural world, asserting that by preserving the environment, we preserve our own well-being.

The show features interviews with experts in various fields, who give their unique perspectives on sustainable living. Viewers are introduced to architects who specialize in green building designs, food experts who advocate for sustainable agriculture, and business leaders who promote eco-friendly business practices. The series also features segments that showcase successful sustainable living models from around the world, which serve as inspiration for viewers.

The show ends on a hopeful note, emphasizing that it is possible for individuals to make a significant impact by adopting sustainable living practices. Dr. Gamble encourages viewers to take action and become ambassadors of sustainable living, suggesting small but impactful changes like cultivating urban gardens, purchasing eco-friendly products and adopting more sustainable modes of transportation, such as biking or carpooling.

Overall, Fundamentals of Sustainable Living is an engaging and informative series that presents practical strategies for individuals seeking to lead a more environmentally responsible lifestyle. Dr. Lonnie A. Gamble's expertise, coupled with the appearances of industry experts and the inclusion of inspiring sustainable living success stories makes for a series that is both inspiring and informational. It is sure to appeal to anyone seeking to learn more about sustainable living and what they can do to make a positive impact.

Fundamentals of Sustainable Living is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (12 episodes). The series first aired on June 26, 2015.

Fundamentals of Sustainable Living
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Shifting to a Sustainable Worldview
12. Shifting to a Sustainable Worldview
June 26, 2015
Integrate everything you've learned in this course with a high-level review. Look closely at permaculture and its ethics; consider the customs of the Tlingit, a self-sustaining people indigenous to the Pacific Northwest; and discover biomimicry, an emerging discipline that uses nature as a model for technological design.
Inner Dimensions of Sustainability
11. Inner Dimensions of Sustainability
June 26, 2015
Move from outer elements of sustainability--such as solar energy, ecocities, and organic agriculture--to inner dimensions of sustainability: spirituality, holistic health, and well-being. Learn what faith-based organizations have to say about sustainability, investigate meditation, and delve deeper into the Slow Food Movement.
Green Economics: Living Well
10. Green Economics: Living Well
June 26, 2015
What does a sustainable economy look like? Take an in-depth look at the core concepts necessary for an economy that meets people's material needs while respecting the hierarchy of sustainability and working in service to humanity and nature. Such ideas include a steady state economy and the movement for degrowth.
Sustainable Products for the Home
9. Sustainable Products for the Home
June 26, 2015
Learn how you can live a greener lifestyle and establish a regenerative ecological footprint through the choices you make every day as a consumer, whether you're shopping for groceries or replacing your carpeting. Find out why organics cost more, how you can make safe and effective cleaning products at home, and more.
Transportation Alternatives and the Ecocity
8. Transportation Alternatives and the Ecocity
June 26, 2015
Turn your attention to how settlement patterns--from rural to suburban to urban--and their existing infrastructures affect sustainability by defining how people can travel within and between locations. How can cities transition to ecocity design? What are the greenest modes of travel? How can we continue to drive cars and still live sustainably? Find out here.
Sustainable Water Use
7. Sustainable Water Use
June 26, 2015
Sourcing clean water and using it wisely are key to sustainable living. Consider how systems can be designed to sustainably provide water for drinking, washing, irrigation, and other uses, and find smart ways to get the same or better services using less. Also, examine ecological approaches to handling storm water.
Winter Gardening
6. Winter Gardening
June 26, 2015
Local produce is readily available year round when you know tricks for off-season gardening. Learn the advantages of and methods for planting during the "second spring," including tips on building a simple, inexpensive structure that creates a microclimate, making it possible to harvest fresh food all winter long.
Fresh Food from Your Own Garden
5. Fresh Food from Your Own Garden
June 26, 2015
Explore the benefits of local, sustainable food production and find realistic ways you can become more involved with your food, from seed to fork. Learn simple methods for growing fruit, vegetables, and herbs--even if you live in a city apartment--and about revolutionary gardening philosophies and gastronomic movements, including Slow Food.
Cultivating Sustainable Landscapes
4. Cultivating Sustainable Landscapes
June 26, 2015
If we make our landscapes beautiful and functional, many of our needs can be met where we live. That's the idea behind sustainable landscapes, the benefits of which you'll explore here, from the surprising abundance of edible plants and household materials that can be produced, to the valuable services they can perform.
Sustainable Building Choices
3. Sustainable Building Choices
June 26, 2015
Buildings and cities have a huge impact on our well-being, sustainability, and ecological footprint. See how architects design green buildings that are regenerative--giving back more energy than they take--by using natural daylight, nontoxic materials, and superior levels of air quality and thermal comfort, all for about the same cost as conventional building.
Sustainable Energy Options
2. Sustainable Energy Options
June 26, 2015
Every day, the sun delivers 14,000 times more energy than the human economy uses. Discover how solar energy in all its forms can be harnessed and used in efficient ways, in addition to the financial benefits that come from using it. Learn how you can use energy wisely in your home.
Making Your Lifestyle Footprint Regenerative
1. Making Your Lifestyle Footprint Regenerative
What does it mean to live sustainably? How can we better live within the biophysical limits of the planet without engaging in self-denial? Begin to answer these questions here as you consider how your choices of home, food, transportation, energy, and more promote a sustainable lifestyle.
Where to Watch Fundamentals of Sustainable Living
Fundamentals of Sustainable Living is available for streaming on the The Great Courses website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Fundamentals of Sustainable Living on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, Kanopy and Hoopla.
  • Premiere Date
    June 26, 2015