Lo Que Callamos Las Mujeres Season 1 Episode 93

Ep 93. Un hombre que finge estar invalido y en silla de ruedas comienza a abusar de su joven nuera.

  • TV-PG
  • April 16, 2013
  • 2520 min

Lo Que Callamos Las Mujeres is a popular Mexican television series that follows the lives of women and their struggles in a patriarchal society. Each episode offers a unique perspective on the challenges faced by women, highlighting their experiences in a way that is both honest and empathetic. In season 1 episode 93, viewers are introduced to a man who pretends to be disabled in order to take advantage of his young daughter-in-law.

The episode opens with Julia, a pretty young woman who has recently married into a wealthy and influential family. Her husband, Carlos, is the son of a successful businessman who has built his fortune on the backs of hardworking employees. Julia is excited to be part of such a prestigious family, but she soon discovers that all is not as it seems.

It quickly becomes clear that there is something very wrong with Carlos' father, who is always wheelchair-bound and in need of constant care. Julia is tasked with looking after the old man, but she soon realizes that he is not as helpless as he appears to be. One day, she catches him masturbating in bed, a shock that leaves her feeling violated and disgusted.

Throughout the episode, viewers see how the father-in-law slowly begins to manipulate and abuse Julia, using his wheelchair as a weapon to hide his true intentions. He insists on being bathed by her, even though he is able to do it himself, and he makes inappropriate comments about her body. Julia is uncomfortable with his behavior, but she fears that if she speaks out, she will lose everything she has worked so hard to achieve.

As the abuse continues, Julia becomes increasingly isolated and desperate. She confides in one of her sisters-in-law, who encourages her to speak to Carlos. But when Julia eventually plucks up the courage to confront her husband, she is met with disbelief and anger. Carlos accuses her of lying and tells her that she is overreacting.

The episode ends with Julia feeling lost and alone, unsure of where to turn next. She knows that something needs to be done to stop her father-in-law's behavior, but she is afraid of the consequences. As she struggles to come to terms with what has happened, viewers are left with a sense of unease, knowing that there are countless women out there who are suffering in similar ways.

Overall, season 1 episode 93 of Lo Que Callamos Las Mujeres is a powerful and thought-provoking portrayal of abuse and manipulation. It highlights the ways in which patriarchal systems can be used to control and silence women, while also showing the strength and resilience of those who refuse to be silenced. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in social justice and women's rights, and it serves as a timely reminder of the ongoing struggle for gender equality.

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  • First Aired
    April 16, 2013
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    2520 min
  • Language