Napoleon Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1

Ep 6. Waterloo

  • June 1, 2000

John Malkovich stars as Napoleon Bonaparte in this historical drama that chronicles the rise and fall of one of history's most notorious military leaders. In season 1 episode 6, entitled "Waterloo," Napoleon comes face-to-face with his ultimate defeat.

As the episode begins, Napoleon is preparing for what will be his final battle at Waterloo. He has assembled a formidable army, but his troops are tired and hungry after weeks of marching and fighting. Meanwhile, the English and their allies are closing in, ready to crush the French once and for all.

Despite the odds, Napoleon remains confident. He rallies his troops with a rousing speech, telling them that their cause is just and that victory is within their grasp. But even he knows that the odds are stacked against him.

As the battle rages on, we see the toll it takes on both sides. The French soldiers fight bravely, but they are no match for the superior firepower of the English. Meanwhile, in England, the news of the battle is being closely watched by the public and politicians alike. The fate of Europe hangs in the balance.

As the battle reaches its climax, we see Napoleon making a last-ditch effort to turn the tide. He sends his reserves into the fray, hoping to catch the English off guard. But it's no use. The English hold firm, and Napoleon is forced to accept defeat.

The aftermath of the battle is just as dramatic as the battle itself. We see Napoleon retreating in utter defeat, as his once-great army crumbles around him. Meanwhile, in England, celebrations erupt as news of the victory spreads. It's a bitter moment for Napoleon, but it's also the end of an era.

In the final moments of the episode, we see Napoleon reflecting on his defeat. He's a broken man, humbled by his defeat and uncertain about what will become of him. It's a poignant moment, one that shows us the human side of this larger-than-life figure.

Overall, "Waterloo" is a thrilling, action-packed episode that delivers on the promise of the series so far. With strong performances from Malkovich and the rest of the cast, it's a must-watch for anyone interested in history or military dramas.

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  • First Aired
    June 1, 2000
  • Language