
Watch Rubirosa

  • 2018
  • 1 Season

Rubirosa is a dramatic series on Pantaya that follows the story of a wealthy and successful man named Rubén Olmedo, played by Damián Alcazar, who has it all: a successful career as a lawyer, a beautiful wife, and a luxurious lifestyle. Despite his wealth, Rubén is not satisfied with his life and feels empty inside. He longs for something more meaningful to fill the void in his life.

When Rubén's wife dies unexpectedly, he is forced to confront the reality of his life and come to terms with the fact that he has been living a lie. He begins to question his choices and seeks answers to deeper questions about his purpose in life.

In the midst of his turmoil, Rubén meets a young woman named Aurora, played by Carolina Guerra, who is working to support her family and pay off their debts. Rubén is immediately drawn to Aurora's innocence and charm, and they form a deep connection that quickly becomes romantic.

As Rubén and Aurora's relationship blossoms, they both face challenges and obstacles that threaten to tear them apart. Rubén's wealthy and powerful family does not approve of his relationship with Aurora, and they do everything in their power to keep them apart. Additionally, Rubén's past mistakes and secrets come to light, and he must confront them head-on in order to move forward with Aurora.

The show delves deep into themes of family, wealth, and finding meaning in life. It explores the complexities of relationships and how they are influenced by societal expectations and individual desires. The characters are multi-dimensional, with flaws and strengths that make them relatable and compelling to watch.

The performances by the cast are outstanding, particularly Damián Alcazar as Rubén. He expertly portrays the character's inner turmoil and growth throughout the series, making the audience feel deeply invested in his journey. Carolina Guerra also shines as Aurora, bringing a sense of innocence and vulnerability to the character.

Rubirosa is a well-written and engaging drama that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. It is a must-watch for fans of romantic dramas and anyone who enjoys exploring deep themes of human nature and relationships. While the show has some dark moments, it ultimately leaves viewers with a sense of hope and the belief that it is never too late to find happiness and purpose in life.

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El inicio de una leyenda
12. El inicio de una leyenda
January 1, 2018
Invitado por Trujillo, Rubi vuelve a Dominicana. El Generalisimo se entera de la traicion de uno de sus hombres más cercanos, mientras la resistencia se vuelve cada vez más radical, con el fin de liberar a la República Dominicana de la tirania.
En jaque
11. En jaque
January 1, 2018
Rubi conoce a Zsa Zsa Gabor y comienzan un romance. Candelaria logra publicar el libro de Aguirre, a pesar de que esto pone su vida en peligro. Guillermo le sigue la pista a Rubi para comprobar que es parte de la oposicion.
Regimen del terror
10. Regimen del terror
January 1, 2018
Trujillo envia a Rubi a Argentina con el fin de enterarse de los planes del gobierno peronista. Una gran confusion hace que Rubi aparente haber conquistado a la primera dama. Ramfis busca refugio en la hija de uno de los opositores de su padre.
9. Reencuentro
January 1, 2018
Flor regresa a la vida de Rubi, y Trujillo decide involucrarse en la reconciliacion. El FBI sigue los pasos de Rubirosa y alerta a su futura esposa.
Golpe maestro
8. Golpe maestro
January 1, 2018
Flor intenta reconstruir su vida, pero sufre una tragedia más. En Dominicana, Candelaria busca acercarse a Ramfis. Doris aparece en la vida de Rubi y amenaza con separarlo de Denisse.
Deudas del pasado
7. Deudas del pasado
January 1, 2018
La oposicion maquina el homicidio de Trujillo en Paris. Rubi conoce a Denisse e inmediatamente queda enamorado. La invasion de los alemanes pone a Rubi nuevamente en la mira de Otto, quien busca cobrar venganza.
En la mira
6. En la mira
January 1, 2018
Rubirosa es enviado a la Alemania Nazi. Por ordenes de Trujillo, Rubi debe aprovechar sus dotes de seductor para conseguir aliados para el Generalisimo.
Desafiando al tirano
5. Desafiando al tirano
January 1, 2018
Rubirosa ayuda a Candelaria a salir de Dominicana. Flor y Rubi se mudan a Nueva York, donde nuevamente la suerte no está su lado.
Tentaciones peligrosas
4. Tentaciones peligrosas
January 1, 2018
Trujillo comienza una caceria de haitianos. Flor y Rubi intentan comenzar un negocio con el dinero de su dote para no depender del Generalisimo. Candelaria es asechada por la gente de Trujillo.
Relaciones prohibidas
3. Relaciones prohibidas
January 1, 2018
Cuando son perseguidos por los hombres de Trujillo, Rubi y Flor tienen su primer encuentro amoroso, lo cual podria conllevarles consecuencias desastrosas.
El infiltrado
2. El infiltrado
January 1, 2018
Flor vuelve a Dominicana por exigencia de su padre. Rubi se une a la oposicion, y junto con Candelaria comienza a atacar a Trujillo. Rubirosa decide aprovecharse del afán de Trujillo por ser parte de la alta sociedad para infiltrarse en sus filas.
El tiguere
1. El tiguere
January 1, 2018
Mientras Rubi vive en Paris con su familia donde aprende a complacer a las mujeres, Rafael Trujillo toma el Gobierno de República Dominicana. Al regresar, Rubi conoce a Candelaria, miembro de la oposicion, y sufre la primer gran tragedia de su vida.
  • Premiere Date
    January 1, 2018