Watch Team Umizoomi en Espanol

  • 2010
  • 1 Season

Team Umizoomi en Espanol is a popular children's show that airs on Noggin. This animated series features three main characters, Milli, Geo, and Bot, who use their mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities to help those in need. Milli is a young girl who wears a pink dress and has a talent for patterns and shapes. Geo is her younger brother who is skilled in geometry and measurements. Bot is a robot who is equipped with a variety of tools and gadgets to help solve problems with his friends.

Together, they solve various math puzzles and problems in Umi City, a bustling metropolis filled with various obstacles and challenges that require their specific brand of expertise. Each episode presents a unique situation that requires the team's help to overcome. For example, they may need to use a ruler to measure the distance between two points, or use spatial reasoning to navigate a maze.

One of the unique features of Team Umizoomi en Espanol is the use of music to aid in problem-solving. The show features catchy songs and musical sequences that encourage children to participate and engage with the learning process. The lyrics often include mathematical concepts and vocabulary, promoting a fun and interactive way to learn math.

In addition, Team Umizoomi en Espanol aims to promote a positive message to its young viewers. The show emphasizes the value of teamwork, perseverance, and kindness. The characters work together to solve problems, and always make sure to include everyone in their solutions.

Overall, Team Umizoomi en Espanol is a fun and educational show for young children. It encourages the development of mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities in a relatable and engaging way. The focus on music and teamwork helps to create a positive learning environment that is both entertaining and rewarding for kids.

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Patines locos
5. Patines locos
May 9, 2011
Milli y Geo están practicando increibles trucos de patines, pero todo se sale de control cuando Bot, por error, se pone un par de patines locos y comienza a patinar a toda velocidad por toda Umi ciudad y no puede frenar. ¡Yonk-a-donks!
El auto-tiburon
4. El auto-tiburon
April 6, 2012
Jose pierde su juguete preferido en la playa. Es un tiburon con ruedas...Auto-tiburon. La familia de Jose se está por ir y solo el equipo Umizoomi puede regresar a Auto-tiburon a tiempo.
Mision mono violeta
3. Mision mono violeta
February 9, 2011
Un nuevo animal está llegando al Zoologico de Umi ciudad. ¡Es un mono violeta! Pero cuando el mono acaba parando, por error, en lacasa helada de los pinguinos, el equipo Umizoomi debe ayudarlo para encontrar su verdadero hogar, lleno de árboles altos
Problemas en el museo de dinosaurios
2. Problemas en el museo de dinosaurios
April 4, 2012
Hay solo una cosa que atemoriza a los dinosaurios en el Museo de Dinosaurios: ¡el sonido de los truenos! Por eso, cuando los asusta una gran tormenta, solo el equipo Umizoomi es capaz de ayudar a los dinosaurios para que puedan regresar al museo.
El elefante regadera
1. El elefante regadera
May 12, 2010
El divertido juego en el agua de Kayla llega a su fin, cuando el rociador de agua elefante deja de funcionar. Para ayudar a Kayla, el equipo Umizoomi necesita saber como llega el agua a la Umi Ciudad, para entender cuál es el problema y poder repararlo.
  • Premiere Date
    May 12, 2010