A Woman Called Moses

Watch A Woman Called Moses

"Slave; African American; Escape; Prejudice; Social Injustice"
  • 1978
  • 4 hr
  • 7.8  (412)

The 1978 movie A Woman Called Moses is a moving portrayal of the life and work of Harriet Tubman, a 19th-century American abolitionist, humanitarian, and armed scout during the Civil War. The film stars Cicely Tyson as Tubman, Jason Bernard as John Tubman, and Clifford David as Edward Brodas. The story begins with Tubman's early years as a slave in Maryland. Forced to work long hours in the fields, she witnesses firsthand the brutality of slavery and the inhumane treatment of fellow slaves. After being brutally beaten by her master's wife, Tubman decides to escape to freedom. Leaving her family behind, she seeks refuge with abolitionists and eventually makes her way to Philadelphia, where she becomes involved in the Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses that helped slaves escape to freedom.

Tubman quickly gains a reputation as a fearless and determined conductor, making numerous trips back and forth to the South to lead slaves to freedom. She becomes known as "Moses", and her exploits earn her the admiration and respect of both blacks and whites. She is also a staunch supporter of women's suffrage and meets with Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

The film highlights some of the major events in Tubman's life, including her role as a nurse and cook during the Civil War, her meeting with President Abraham Lincoln, and her tireless advocacy for the freedom of slaves. Tyson portrays Tubman's unwavering commitment to justice and equality with a depth of emotion and sincerity that captures the audience's heart.

In addition to Tyson's captivating performance, the movie also benefits from strong supporting performances from Bernard and David. Bernard plays John Tubman, Harriet's first husband and a free man, whose refusal to accompany her on her first escape attempt underscores the personal struggles inherent in the abolitionist movement. David portrays Brodas, an unrepentant slave catcher who obsessively pursues Tubman and her followers, representing the cruel and oppressive system that Tubman fought against.

The film is not without its flaws, however. Some of the dialogue feels stilted and artificial, and the pacing is occasionally slow. Moreover, the historical accuracy of some scenes has been called into question, particularly regarding Tubman's involvement in the Combahee River Raid, a military operation led by Colonel James Montgomery against Confederate forces in South Carolina. Nonetheless, these criticisms do not detract significantly from the overall impact of the movie.

A Woman Called Moses is a powerful and inspiring tribute to one of America's most remarkable heroes. It sheds light on the courage and determination that Tubman embodied, and reminds us that the fight for justice and equality is an ongoing struggle that requires perseverance and conviction. The movie stands as a testament to the triumph of the human spirit over adversity, and a reminder of the importance of fighting for what is right, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    4 hr
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.8  (412)