Brooklyn Babylon

Watch Brooklyn Babylon

  • R
  • 2000
  • 1 hr 30 min
  • 5.9  (330)
  • 26

Brooklyn Babylon is a 2001 musical drama film directed by Marc Levin. The film tells the story of a young artist, Solomon (played by Tariq Trotter), who falls in love with a beautiful singer named Taisha (played by Karen Starc) while living in the heart of Brooklyn. The film is a modern-day retelling of the biblical story of the tower of Babel, and it explores themes of love, community, and the struggle between tradition and progress.

At the start of the film, we see Solomon as a graffiti artist who uses the streets of Brooklyn as his canvas. He is a talented artist, but he is also struggling to find his place in the world. When he meets Taisha, he finds inspiration in her music, and the two begin a passionate romance.

The film also explores the struggles of the larger community in Brooklyn, specifically the tension between the older, more conservative residents and the younger, more progressive ones. These tensions come to a head when the city announces plans to demolish an old community center to make way for a new condominium development.

Solomon becomes a symbol of hope for the community when he is commissioned to create a mural on the walls of the community center before it is demolished. His art brings people together from all walks of life, and it becomes a rallying point for those who want to preserve the unique culture of Brooklyn.

However, not everyone is pleased with Solomon's art. Some of the more conservative members of the community see it as a threat to their way of life, and tensions rise as the deadline for the demolition draws near.

The film features an impressive soundtrack, with music from a range of genres, including hip hop, jazz, and soul. The music serves as a reflection of the diverse culture of Brooklyn, and it underscores the themes of the film.

Tariq Trotter, who is also known as Black Thought from The Roots, delivers a standout performance as Solomon. He perfectly captures the struggle of a young artist trying to find his place in the world. Karen Starc also shines as Taisha, with a powerful voice and a magnetic presence that captures the spirit of the film.

The supporting cast, including Bonz Malone as Solomon's friend and fellow graffiti artist, and David Vadim as a local politician, also deliver strong performances.

Overall, Brooklyn Babylon is a moving and thought-provoking film that explores themes that are as relevant today as they were when the film was released. It is a testament to the power of art to bring people together and to create change in our communities.

Brooklyn Babylon
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 30 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    5.9  (330)
  • Metascore