Demon Legacy

Watch Demon Legacy

"See evil. Hear evil. Speak evil"
  • TV-MA
  • 2014
  • 97 hr
  • 3.4  (620)

Demon Legacy is a horror movie from 2014 that focuses on a group of friends who are on a weekend getaway in the mountains. The cast includes John Savage, AnnaMaria Demara, and Michelle Nunes. The story begins with a group of friends deciding to rent a cabin in the mountains for a weekend. They are all excited about the trip, and they are looking forward to spending some quality time together. However, as soon as they arrive at the cabin, they start to notice strange things happening. For example, one of the friends finds a book that seems to be cursed, and another friend starts to have nightmares.

As the weekend goes on, things start to get worse. The friends begin to experience supernatural occurrences, and they realize that they are in grave danger. Because of this, they decide to investigate the source of the curse. As they dig deeper into the history of the cabin, they learn that a long time ago, a group of demon worshipers used to live in the area. These demons were said to be incredibly powerful, and they had the ability to possess people.

The group realizes that the curse is related to these demons and that they need to find a way to break it before it's too late. They consult with an old woman who lives in the area, and she tells them that the only way to break the curse is to perform a ritual. The ritual requires them to find all the pages of the cursed book and destroy it completely.

The friends set out to find the pages, and they experience several terrifying encounters with the demons along the way. They eventually find all the pages and perform the ritual, which seems to be successful. However, just when they think that they are safe, the demons return with a vengeance, and the group finds themselves fighting for their lives.

The movie's plot is not the most original, and it relies heavily on common horror movie tropes. However, the acting is decent, and the special effects are effective in creating a creepy atmosphere. The soundtrack adds an eerie vibe to the movie, and the pacing keeps the audience engaged throughout.

Overall, Demon Legacy is a decent horror movie that might satisfy fans of the genre. It's not without its flaws, but it provides enough scares and thrills to keep viewers entertained. If you're looking for a horror flick to watch on a quiet night, Demon Legacy might be worth a try.

Demon Legacy
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    97 hr
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    3.4  (620)