
Watch Frayed

  • 2019
  • 14 min

Frayed is a 2018 psychological thriller that takes the audience on a taut and thrilling journey of self-discovery and survival. The film revolves around the life of a young woman named Kurtis, played by Leslie Talley, who is struggling to cope with the untimely and mysterious death of her mother. Kurtis' life takes a sudden turn when she receives a letter from her deceased mother that leads her to a small coastal town, where she discovers a dark past and sinister secrets hidden beneath the seemingly peaceful surface of the town.

Kurtis is a troubled woman who is haunted by her mother's death, and her relationships with her family and friends are strained. She feels like she is losing her grip on reality and is desperate for answers. Her search leads her to the town of Ashland, Oregon, where she uncovers a shocking connection between her mother and a series of unsolved murders that have haunted the town for years.

As Kurtis delves deeper into the town's dark history, she discovers that her mother had been conducting secret research on the supernatural powers of a mysterious ancient artifact that was rumored to possess the ability to grant immortality. However, her mother's obsession with the artifact and her experimentation led to her tragic death, leaving Kurtis to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

While in Ashland, Kurtis meets several intriguing characters who help her along the way, including a retired detective named Felix, played by Adler Roberts, and a local bartender named Lilly, played by Donna Schilke. Cora, played by Cora Talley, also makes a brief appearance in the movie.

Kurtis' presence in Ashland is unwelcome, and she quickly realizes that she is not safe in the town. She becomes the target of a group of dangerous individuals who are determined to keep the town's secrets buried. This puts Kurtis in grave danger, and she must fight for her life and uncover the truth before it's too late.

Frayed is a well-crafted movie that keeps the audience on the edge of their seat from start to finish. The storyline is engrossing, and the characters are developed in a way that keeps the audience invested in their journey. Leslie Talley delivers a standout performance as the troubled and daring Kurtis, who is unwilling to give up on her search for the truth.

The film's visuals are stunning, showcasing the beauty of the coastal town while providing an eerie and unsettling atmosphere that keeps the audience guessing. The use of lighting and sound is particularly impressive, creating a sense of tension and suspense that adds to the film's overall atmosphere.

Overall, Frayed is a must-see for fans of psychological thrillers. Its gripping storyline, talented cast, and stunning visuals make it stand out among other films in the genre. Whether you're a fan of the supernatural or not, this film is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    14 min