Precarious Peace: God and Guatemala

Watch Precarious Peace: God and Guatemala

  • 2006
  • 1 hr 10 min

Precarious Peace: God and Guatemala is a documentary film that takes a deep look into the religious and political landscape of Guatemala. Through interviews with local residents, religious leaders, and activists, the film explores the role of faith in the country's history and current struggle for social justice. The documentary begins with an overview of Guatemala's brutal civil war, which lasted from 1960 to 1996 and claimed over 200,000 lives. It then delves into the country's current political climate, characterized by corruption, violence, and a wide gap between rich and poor.

As the title suggests, religion plays a significant role in the film's narrative. The filmmakers explore the complex relationship between the Catholic Church and the state, focusing on the church's efforts to promote peace and reconciliation in the aftermath of the civil war. The film also examines the growth of Evangelical Christianity in Guatemala, which has become a powerful political force in recent years.

Through interviews with local activists and community leaders, Precarious Peace: God and Guatemala sheds light on the grassroots movements that are working to create change in the country. These include movements for land reform, women's rights, and environmental sustainability. The film highlights the role of faith in these movements, as many of the activists involved are motivated by their religious beliefs.

One of the documentary's most powerful threads is its exploration of the individual stories of Guatemalans who have been affected by violence and injustice. Through intimate interviews with survivors of the civil war, victims of police brutality, and families of the disappeared, the filmmakers paint a vivid picture of the human cost of the country's ongoing struggles.

Throughout the film, the central question is how to build a lasting peace in a country that has been torn apart by violence and inequality. Precarious Peace: God and Guatemala offers no easy answers, but it does offer a glimpse into the ways in which faith and activism are shaping the country's future.

Overall, Precarious Peace: God and Guatemala is a thought-provoking and emotionally powerful documentary that offers important insights into the challenges facing Guatemala today. By exploring the intersections of faith, justice, and politics, the film challenges viewers to think deeply about the kind of world they want to live in and the role they can play in making it a reality.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 10 min