Romeo & Juliet: A Love Song

Watch Romeo & Juliet: A Love Song

  • 2013
  • 1 hr 40 min

Romeo & Juliet: A Love Song is a modern interpretation of the classic Shakespearean play. Set in contemporary New Zealand, the movie portrays the familiar story of star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, falling deeply in love despite the feud between their families. The film is directed and produced by Tim Van Dammen and stars Dallas Barnett as Romeo Montague and Derya Parlak as Juliet Capulet. Their chemistry on-screen is palpable as they breathe new life into this timeless love story.

The movie features an original score composed by Ben Wooley, which adds another layer of emotion to the already moving story. The score is a mix of modern pop and classical music, making it both emotive and accessible to a younger audience.

The stunning cinematography captures the beauty of New Zealand's coastline, with the film being primarily shot in the picturesque town of Raglan. Through breathtaking landscapes and intimate scenes, the audience is invited into the world of Romeo and Juliet, which is both romantic and tragic.

One unique aspect of this film is the use of music. The characters often break out into song, which adds to the modern twist on the classic story. The musical numbers, which are catchy and upbeat, complement the film's overall vibe, making it a fun experience for viewers.

Despite being a modern take on the original play, the film remains true to the heart of the story. The themes of love, family, and tragedy are just as relevant today as they were in Shakespeare's time. The film stays true to the original text, but with a contemporary twist that makes it accessible to a younger, modern audience.

One notable difference in this adaptation is the portrayal of the characters. The film chooses to explore the personalities of the supporting characters, such as Benvolio and Tybalt, allowing the audience to connect with them on a deeper level. This element adds to the film's overall emotional depth, making it more than just a retelling of an old story.

Overall, Romeo & Juliet: A Love Song is a beautiful and modern take on the classic love story. The stunning visuals, original music, and talented cast make it an engaging and emotional experience. While staying true to the original text, the film offers a unique interpretation that sets it apart from other adaptations. It's a must-watch for Shakespeare fans and anyone who loves a good love story.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 40 min