The Post

Watch The Post

  • 6 hr

The Post is a historical drama film that was released in 2017. The film has a stellar cast including Xin Wang, Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Bob Odenkirk, Sarah Paulson, and Bradley Whitford. The movie is directed by Steven Spielberg and covers the story of The Washington Post newspaper regarding the publishing of the Pentagon Papers in 1971.

The story is set during the Vietnam War era when the US government is hiding the truth about the war from its own people. Daniel Ellsberg, a former military analyst, leaks a report of classified information about the war to the press. The New York Times publishes the first set of articles about the repercussions of the Vietnam War, but the government files a lawsuit, and the New York Times is put under an injunction. In response, The Washington Post gets a copy of the report and decides to publish it. The film follows the story of Katharine Graham, the owner of The Washington Post, and Ben Bradlee, the editor, as they assess the legal and ethical ramifications of this decision.

Xin Wang plays the role of a Chinese translator who is instrumental in understanding and translating the Pentagon Papers. Her character is key to the transformational shift in the narrative of the film: the publisher, Katharine Graham, is initially hesitant to publish the classified reports due to the legal and political ramifications of doing so. As the story progresses, Xin Wang's character becomes a crucial ally in convincing Katharine that publishing the papers is the right thing to do.

The Post is a film that resonates with current affairs and highlights the importance of a free press in a democracy. The film depicts the journalistic courage of The Washington Post and the ethical boundaries that the paper had to navigate to bring the truth to the American public. The performances of Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks are outstanding, as always. The film also features strong supporting performances by the rest of the cast.

In terms of the production value, The Post is a well-made film. The cinematography is excellent, and the film captures the intensity and urgency of the situation. The music by John Williams is also noteworthy and adds a layer of suspense throughout the film.

Overall, The Post is a thought-provoking film that is highly recommended. The film is a tribute to the importance of a free press and the role of journalism in holding the powerful accountable. The performances of the cast, the direction of Spielberg, and the relevance of the story make this film a must-watch.

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  • Runtime
    6 hr