The Stars of Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Classic Characters

Watch The Stars of Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Classic Characters

  • 2010
  • 260 hr

The Stars of Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Classic Characters is a documentary-style film that looks back on the legendary British soap opera Coronation Street and its most beloved characters. The movie celebrates 50 years of the show and highlights 50 iconic characters who helped shape the program's history. Throughout the documentary, fans are given an inside look at the history of the show and its characters. Interviews with the cast and crew members of the program are interspersed with clips from classic episodes, giving viewers a nostalgic glimpse at the unforgettable moments that made the show so popular.

The film explores the history of Coronation Street and how it evolved over the years. It highlights the show's humble origins as a program that was only meant to run for two to six weeks, initially. However, due to its instant popularity with viewers, it was extended indefinitely.

As the film progresses, viewers are introduced to the various iconic characters who have captured the audience's attention over the years. From the early days of Ena Sharples and Annie Walker to the modern-era favorites such as Carla Connor and Kevin Webster, the show has amassed a vast array of beloved characters over its 50-year history.

The Stars of Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Classic Characters devotes considerable time to the show's most memorable storylines. From the disaster at the ITV Studios in 2013 to the celebrated love story of Deirdre Barlow and Ken Barlow, the movie highlights the most significant moments in the program's history.

The movie also explores the impact of the show on British culture, with interviews from experts such as Alex Jones and Lorraine Kelly. Fans are given an insight into the social and cultural significance of the show and the role it has played in shaping British society.

The Stars of Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Classic Characters is not just for fans of the show; it is a film that anyone can enjoy. The program's history is interesting and engaging, and the documentary highlights the impact of television on society. The program devotes considerable time to the behind-the-scenes workings of the show, including how the writers create the characters and storylines that have become Central to the show's success.

The Stars of Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Classic Characters is a must-see movie for anyone with an interest in television or British culture. The documentary provides a fascinating look at the most iconic characters of the show's history and how they have shaped British society. The film combines behind-the-scenes details with classic and beloved characters to create a comprehensive and engaging history of Coronation Street.

In conclusion, The Stars of Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Classic Characters is a beautifully crafted documentary that celebrates the show's iconic history and characters. It provides an in-depth look at the program's long and storied history while celebrating the characters who have captured the audience's imagination over the years. The film is a tribute to British culture and television, and it is a must-see for anyone who loves Coronation Street or British TV.

The Stars of Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Classic Characters doesn't appear to be available from any streaming services.
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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    260 hr