The Warren

Watch The Warren

  • R
  • 2015
  • 10 min
  •   (9)

The Warren is a gripping and intense drama set in modern-day Palestine. Directed by Hicham Hajji, the film follows the story of a Palestinian freedom fighter named Omar who escapes from an Israeli prison after serving ten years of his sentence. With the help of his friends, he sets out to reunite with his family and pursue his dream of owning a farm in the countryside.

The Warren stars Ali Suliman as Omar, a ruggedly handsome and charismatic ex-prisoner whose determination to make a new life for himself is both inspiring and heartbreaking. Suliman delivers a powerful performance that captures the complex emotional journey of a man who has lost everything but still believes in the possibility of a better future.

The rest of the cast is equally impressive, including Maisa Abd Elhadi as Omar's wife Nadia, Mohammad Bakri as his father Abu Nizar, and Amira Khalifa as his daughter Lial. Each actor brings a unique perspective to the story, adding depth and richness to the characters they portray.

What makes The Warren stand out from other Palestinian dramas is its focus on the personal lives of its characters, rather than on the politics of the region. While the conflict is ever-present in the background, the film is much more about the struggles and joys of everyday life for Palestinian families. From the joys of raising a child to the despair of losing a loved one, The Warren portrays the human side of living under occupation.

The cinematography is also a standout feature of the film. The sweeping landscapes of the West Bank and the rugged beauty of the countryside are captured in stunning detail, creating a sense of place that draws the viewer in. The use of natural light and muted colors adds to the overall sense of realism, giving the film a sense of authenticity that is rare in movies about Palestine.

One of the most powerful scenes in the film comes when Omar reunites with his wife and daughter after being released from prison. The emotional intensity of the scene is palpable, as each character grapples with the changes that have occurred during Omar's absence. Nadia has become more independent and assertive, while Lial has grown into a young woman with her own dreams and ambitions. Omar realizes that he has missed out on so much, and the pain of that realization is etched onto Suliman's face.

Overall, The Warren is a moving and thought-provoking film that sheds light on the human toll of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While it doesn't offer any easy answers or solutions, it does provide a nuanced and heartfelt portrayal of life in Palestine. The performances, cinematography, and script all work together to create a film that is both engaging and emotionally resonant. Highly recommended for anyone interested in Palestinian cinema or who simply wants to experience a great story.

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  • Release Date
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  • Runtime
    10 min
  • IMDB Rating