Venus Meets The Son Of Hercules

Watch Venus Meets The Son Of Hercules

  • 2017
  • 92 hr

Venus Meets The Son Of Hercules is a classic Italian sword-and-sandal film from 1962 which stars Roger Browne and Jocelyn Lane in the lead roles. The movie was directed by Maury Dexter and is widely regarded as a cult classic. The story is set in ancient Greece, during a period when the mighty Roman Empire was expanding its territories. Venus (played by Jocelyn Lane), the goddess of beauty and love, is sent down to earth by her father Jupiter to learn about the ways of humans. However, Venus soon finds herself caught up in a power struggle between the Roman Empire and the Greek city-states.

It is in this context that Venus meets Maciste (played by Roger Browne), the son of the legendary hero Hercules. Maciste is a powerful warrior who has been hired by the Greek city-states to help defend them against Roman aggression. Venus is immediately smitten by Maciste's rugged good looks and incredible strength, and the two quickly become close.

As Venus and Maciste work together to defend the city-states, they face a number of challenges and obstacles. They must battle against fierce Roman soldiers, navigate treacherous terrain, and confront a powerful sorceress who is working to thwart their plans. Throughout it all, Venus and Maciste rely on their courage and strength, as well as their growing feelings for each other.

The movie is full of action, adventure, and romance, and features a number of exciting set pieces. There are epic battles between armies, daring escapes from dangerous situations, and tense confrontations between powerful characters. The movie also makes use of a number of special effects to create the world of ancient Greece, including scenes of gods and goddesses flying through the sky and magical transformations.

One of the standout features of the movie is the chemistry between Venus and Maciste. Jocelyn Lane and Roger Browne have great on-screen chemistry, and their banter is often witty and charming. Venus and Maciste are both strong, heroic characters, and their love story is both exciting and touching.

Overall, Venus Meets The Son Of Hercules is a classic sword-and-sandal film that is sure to appeal to fans of the genre. With its epic battles, romantic storyline, and colorful characters, the movie is a must-see for anyone interested in ancient mythology or classic cinema. Whether you're a fan of Jocelyn Lane's beauty, Roger Browne's brawn, or just a good old-fashioned adventure story, Venus Meets The Son Of Hercules has something for everyone.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    92 hr