Wagons East

Watch Wagons East

"They came. They saw. They changed their minds."
  • PG-13
  • 1994
  • 1 hr 47 min
  • 4.8  (6,135)

Wagons East is a 1994 western comedy film starring John Candy, Joe Bays, and Abraham Benrubi. Directed by Peter Markle, the movie tells the story of a group of disillusioned pioneers who hire a drunken wagon master to lead them on a journey back to the east. The film is set in the late 1800s when the American West was still being populated by settlers who ventured westward in search of land and wealth. The town of Prosperity is one such settlement that is struggling to survive in the harsh and unforgiving climate of the Wild West. The townsfolk are tired of living in constant fear of Indian attacks, droughts, and bandits, and they decide to pack up their belongings and return to their home in the east.

To accomplish this arduous task, they engage the services of James Harlow (John Candy), a washed-up wagon master who is known for his drunkenness and incompetence. Harlow, who has lost all his credibility and self-respect, sees the job as a chance to redeem himself and restore his honor as a wagon master.

As they embark on the journey, the settlers encounter a series of mishaps and misadventures that put their lives in danger. They soon discover that they are being followed by a group of ruthless outlaws who want to loot their valuables and kill them. To make matters worse, Harlow's drinking habit becomes a liability, and his erratic behavior puts the entire caravan at risk.

Despite these challenges, the settlers trudge on, determined to reach their destination. Along the way, they face several obstacles that test their resolve and courage. They also learn valuable lessons about perseverance, friendship, and the importance of having a sense of humor in the face of adversity.

The film's cast is led by John Candy, who delivers a heartfelt and endearing performance as the hapless and inept wagon master. His character's journey from a drunken buffoon to a courageous leader makes for a compelling arc that keeps the audience engaged throughout the film. Joe Bays and Abraham Benrubi provide solid support as two of the settlers who befriend Candy's character and help him regain his confidence.

Wagons East is a light-hearted western comedy that offers a fresh take on the classic wagon train narrative. Its mix of slapstick humor, action, and drama makes for an entertaining and enjoyable viewing experience. While not a critical or commercial success upon its initial release, the film has gained a cult following over the years and remains a fan favorite among John Candy's admirers.

In conclusion, Wagons East is a charming and humorous film that offers a unique spin on the western genre. Its engaging story, likable characters, and witty humor make it a memorable and enjoyable film that is worth watching. It is a tribute to the late John Candy's comedic talents and serves as a reminder of his enduring legacy as one of Hollywood's most beloved actors.

Wagons East
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  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • Runtime
    1 hr 47 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    4.8  (6,135)