Alguien te Mira Season 1 Episode 5
Alguien te Mira
Season 1

Ep 5. Rodrigo Bajo la Lupa

  • TV14
  • November 5, 2010

Alguien te Mira season 1 episode 5, titled "Rodrigo Bajo la Lupa," delves deeper into the mysterious life of Rodrigo Quintana, one of the residents of the luxurious Balmaceda building. As the episode begins, the unnerving atmosphere surrounding Rodrigo continues to intensify, leaving everyone questioning who he truly is.

In "Rodrigo Bajo la Lupa", some of the residents of the Balmaceda building begin to discuss their suspicions about Rodrigo. They have noticed his peculiar behavior and questionable actions, leading them to wonder if there is something sinister hidden behind his charming facade. The tension rises as the episode focuses on unraveling the truth about Rodrigo.

Detective Matías Franco, who has been investigating a series of brutal murders in the neighborhood, becomes increasingly interested in Rodrigo. He believes that there might be a connection between him and the crimes taking place, and decides to dig deeper into Rodrigo's past. Matías is determined to find out if Rodrigo is the elusive killer, but he must tread carefully to avoid alerting his target.

Meanwhile, Belén, one of the main characters, finds herself deeply infatuated with Rodrigo. Despite the mounting evidence against him, Belén is unable to shake off her feelings, leaving her torn between her heart and her rationality. As the episode progresses, Belén becomes even more entangled in Rodrigo's web of mystery.

Simultaneously, Tania, a young woman living in the Balmaceda building, finds herself drawn to Rodrigo as well. She begins to uncover some shocking truths about his past, which only deepens the intrigue surrounding him. Determined to reveal the truth, Tania starts to investigate further, risking her own safety to get to the bottom of Rodrigo's secrets.

As the episode unfolds, captivating twists and turns keep the viewers on the edge of their seats. Suspicion and paranoia reign among the residents of the Balmaceda building, as they come to realize that Rodrigo's true identity may be far more complex and dangerous than they ever imagined. The mounting evidence against Rodrigo weighs heavily on everyone's minds, leaving them questioning who they can trust.

"Rodrigo Bajo la Lupa" offers a thrilling mix of suspense, romance, and mystery, making it a gripping episode in the Alguien te Mira series. The intricate plotlines and captivating characters keep the audience engaged, anticipating the shocking revelations that are yet to come. With each passing minute, the tension continues to rise, leaving viewers eager to uncover the truth behind Rodrigo's enigmatic persona.

Note: Alguien te Mira is a real show, but it might not have an episode titled "Rodrigo Bajo la Lupa." The provided description is purely fictional.

Watch Alguien te Mira - Rodrigo Bajo la Lupa (s1 e5) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Alguien te Mira, Season 1 Episode 5, is available to watch free on NBC, Peacock and stream on Telemundo. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Alguien te Mira on demand at Hulu online.
  • First Aired
    November 5, 2010
  • Content Rating
  • Language