Best of All the Smoke with Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson, The Season 2 Episode 12

Ep 12. Lamar Odom

  • January 27, 2022
  • 59 min

Best of All the Smoke with Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson is a popular sports talk show that focuses on all the happenings, controversies, and insider information of the NBA. In the season 2 episode 12, the discussion centers around the life and career of retired professional basketball player Lamar Odom.

The show begins with a brief introduction of the guest who is regarded as one of the most talented forward players in NBA history. The topic focuses on the struggles and the inspiring comeback of Lamar Odom who has been through a lot in his personal and professional life. The hosts discuss his impact on the league both on and off the court, and how his playing style revolutionized the modern-day power forward position.

Throughout the episode, Matt and Stephen share their personal experiences with Lamar, as both have played alongside him during their career. They reminisce about Odom's early days in basketball, right from his high school, where he first started playing basketball, to his college days at University of Rhode Island, where he was drafted by the Los Angeles Clippers.

The discussion then moves on to Odom's NBA career, which began with the Clippers, where he proved himself to be an all-rounder player who can play multiple positions. He then moved on to Miami Heat, and later, the popular Los Angeles Lakers franchise, where he enjoyed his most successful years of basketball, winning two NBA championships alongside Kobe Bryant and other Lakers legends.

The hosts then delve into the personal issues that Lamar Odom had faced in his life, including his drug addiction and relationship troubles. They speak about his near-fatal overdose in 2015, where Odom had been found unconscious in a brothel in Nevada, and how he managed to overcome all the odds after a long and arduous recovery process.

The show then ends on a positive note as the hosts discuss the impact of Lamar Odom's story on the younger generation of players who can learn from his mistakes and struggles. Matt and Stephen speak about his legacy as a player, and how his strong spirit and resilience continue to inspire people around the world.

In summary, the season 2 episode 12 of Best of All the Smoke with Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson, titled "Lamar Odom," is an engaging and inspiring discussion about one of the most enigmatic personalities of NBA. It delves deep into the life and career of Lamar Odom, celebrating his triumphs and acknowledging his struggles, and ultimately showcasing his fighting spirit and resilience as a person and as an athlete.

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  • First Aired
    January 27, 2022
  • Runtime
    59 min
  • Language