Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2 Episode 2

Ep 2. Mario Bros vs Wright Bros

  • February 17, 2012
  • 1 min

In the second episode of season 2 of Epic Rap Battles of History, two iconic sets of siblings from vastly different worlds come face to face. The Mario Brothers, Mario and Luigi, the beloved video game heroes who have delighted millions of fans around the world, take on the Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur, the famous aviation pioneers who revolutionized the way we travel and explore the world.

The episode kicks off with the Mario Brothers rapping about their superiority as the ultimate video game heroes, boasting about their skills in defeating evil monsters and saving princesses. They also flaunt their resilience in surviving time and staying relevant since their debut in the 1980s. Mario and Luigi proudly display their firepower and invincibility while issuing a warning to their opponents: "You don't want to start a fuss with the best in the bus."

The Wright Brothers respond by highlighting their groundbreaking achievements in aviation. They speak of their ambition to take to the skies despite not having the benefit of modern technology and equipment. Using clever wordplay, they point out how they paved the way for air travel, saying "You're plumbing turtle-busters, shouldn't step up to air traffic."

As the rap battle heats up, both teams become more aggressive in their taunts. The Mario Brothers poke fun at the Wright Brothers' physical appearance, while the Wright Brothers ridicule the Mario Brothers for not being able to fly. The episode reaches its climax as the two sides trade barbs about who is the ultimate hero, the Mario Brothers with their heroic feats or the Wright Brothers with their groundbreaking accomplishments.

Throughout the episode, the rapping is accompanied by clever backdrops and animations. The Mario Brothers are set against an 8-bit backdrop reminiscent of the classic Super Mario Bros game. Meanwhile, the Wright Brothers are portrayed against a backdrop showcasing various aviation details. The clever blend of visual effects and rap music creates an immersive experience that captures the personalities and the historical significance of each set of siblings.

Overall, the episode is a creative and entertaining portrayal of two very different but legendary sets of siblings. The merging of video game culture and history creates a unique and captivating showdown that stimulates the imagination and keeps the viewers engaged until the very end. The rapping is witty and the animation is brilliant, making this episode a must-watch for gamers, history buffs, and fans of clever wordplay.

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  • First Aired
    February 17, 2012
  • Runtime
    1 min
  • Language