Escape to the Country Season 18 Episode 1

Ep 1. Wye Valley

  • March 10, 2017

Escape to the Country is a reality TV show that takes viewers on a journey to explore the stunning countryside of the United Kingdom. In season 18, episode 1, viewers are taken on a journey to the breathtaking Wye Valley.

Nestled in the heart of the Welsh borders, the Wye Valley is a picturesque area filled with rolling hills, lush green fields, and tranquil rivers. The show's presenter takes the viewers on a journey to explore the region and to find a perfect country home for a couple who has decided to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

The couple is looking for a house that offers privacy, tranquility, and stunning views of the rolling countryside. They also have a long list of must-haves, including a large garden, a spacious kitchen, and plenty of natural light.

As the show progresses, the presenter takes the couple to a range of different properties across the Wye Valley, showcasing the region's best features along the way. From cozy cottages to large farmhouses, the couple is shown a range of different properties, each with its unique charm and character.

Throughout the show, the presenter also shares interesting facts and tidbits about the Wye Valley, including its rich history, local traditions, and vibrant community. The couple is also introduced to some of the region's most beloved pastimes, such as hiking, fishing, and exploring the beautiful countryside.

As the show nears its end, the couple is faced with a tough decision as they narrow down their options to two properties. Each has its unique charm and appeal, making it a difficult decision for the couple.

In the end, the couple makes their decision, and viewers are left with a heartwarming conclusion as they settle in their new home in the beautiful Wye Valley. The show's stunning cinematography and engaging storytelling make it an absolute delight to watch, offering a unique glimpse into the beauty and charm of the UK's countryside.

Overall, episode 1 of season 18 of Escape to the Country is a must-watch for anyone who loves the great outdoors, stunning landscapes, and country living at its finest. The episode showcases the Wye Valley in all its glory, leaving viewers with a newfound appreciation for the region's natural beauty and rich heritage.

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  • First Aired
    March 10, 2017
  • Language