Getting Doug with High Season 4 Episode 25

Ep 25. Beth Stelling and Emma Arnold on Getting Doug with High

  • TV-MA
  • January 15, 2018
  • 44 min

Getting Doug with High is an entertaining web series where host Doug Benson invites various guests to join him in getting stoned and engaging in hilarious conversations. In Season 4 Episode 25, titled "Beth Stelling and Emma Arnold on Getting Doug with High," the stage is set for an episode filled with laughter, insightful discussions, and of course, a lot of cannabis.

As the episode begins, Doug welcomes two fantastic comedians, Beth Stelling and Emma Arnold, to the show. Both Beth and Emma have established themselves as hilarious stand-up artists and bring their wit and charm to the table. With Benson's relaxed and laid-back hosting style, the three instantly create a warm and friendly atmosphere, setting the tone for what promises to be an incredibly enjoyable episode.

The conversation kicks off with Doug introducing a selection of fine cannabis products, providing his guests with a range of options to choose from. As they settle in and take a few hits, the giggles start rolling, and their witty banter flows effortlessly. Doug's openness and camaraderie allow Beth and Emma to comfortably express their thoughts, making for engaging and entertaining discussions throughout the episode.

As the smoke fills the room, the trio dives into various topics, touching both the personal and the light-hearted. They share anecdotes from their lives, discussing everything from relationships and dating to careers and the challenges of being a comedian. Beth and Emma's unique perspectives bring refreshing insights, while their comedic sensibilities keep the conversation lively and amusing.

Throughout the episode, Doug introduces fun games and segments that add an extra layer of entertainment to the show. These games range from cannabis-related trivia challenges to rapid-fire Q&A sessions, creating a playful and interactive experience for both the guests and the viewers. The games not only showcase the witty and sharp minds of Beth and Emma but also provide hilarious moments of spontaneous comedy.

One of the highlights of the episode is the "Pot Topics" segment, where Doug and his guests discuss current events and news stories related to cannabis. This segment allows for some thought-provoking conversations about the evolving societal attitudes towards marijuana and its growing legalization. Beth and Emma's perspectives on these topics often lead to insightful observations while keeping the episode light-hearted and enjoyable.

As the episode progresses, the laughter continues to flow, punctuated by moments of genuine connection and understanding. Doug skillfully guides the conversation, ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to share their thoughts and engage with each other. The chemistry between the three comedians is evident and contributes to a rich and vibrant dynamic that keeps the audience entertained from start to finish.

"Getting Doug with High: Beth Stelling and Emma Arnold" is an episode that encapsulates the essence of the show. It brings together talented comedians who are not only incredibly funny but also open-minded and willing to explore various topics. With its mix of humor, lightheartedness, and genuine moments of connection, this episode is sure to leave viewers with a smile on their faces and a desire to discover more from this hilarious web series.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy as Beth Stelling, Emma Arnold, and host Doug Benson take you on a journey of laughter and cannabis-infused conversations. Whether you're a fan of stand-up comedy, a cannabis enthusiast, or simply looking for an entertaining and engaging show, "Getting Doug with High: Beth Stelling and Emma Arnold" is an episode you won't want to miss.

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  • First Aired
    January 15, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    44 min
  • Language