Happy Valley Season 1 Episode 9
Happy Valley
Season 1

Ep 9. Little Donkey

  • January 1, 2006
  • 5 min

In Happy Valley season 1 episode 9 titled 'Little Donkey', Catherine's investigation into Tommy Lee Royce's connection to the kidnapping and murder of Ann Gallagher intensifies. Meanwhile, the kidnapping of businessman Nevison Gallagher's daughter continues and Catherine is forced to make a difficult decision when she discovers a key piece of evidence.

The episode begins with Catherine visiting Tommy Lee Royce in prison in an attempt to get more information about Ann Gallagher's murder. However, Royce is uncooperative and Catherine leaves the prison with little progress in her investigation. Back at the station, Catherine receives a call from Nevison Gallagher, who is desperate for any news about his missing daughter, Ann. Catherine reassures him that they are doing everything possible to find her.

As the investigation continues, Catherine discovers a link between Royce and the kidnappers. With this new piece of evidence, she decides to use a more aggressive approach and pressures Royce for information. But Royce is defiant and the conversation ends with Catherine storming out of the prison.

Meanwhile, Nevison Gallagher receives a ransom demand for his daughter's safe return. The kidnappers demand a large sum of money from Gallagher, but he refuses to pay. This decision leads to dire consequences for Gallagher, and Catherine is left to pick up the pieces.

As the episode progresses, Catherine realizes that the investigation is taking a toll on her personal life. Her strained relationship with her grandson, Ryan, begins to unravel and she is left feeling alone and isolated. However, her determination to solve the case never wavers.

The episode culminates in a heart-stopping scene where Catherine finally discovers the location of Ann Gallagher. With little time to spare, Catherine must make a decision that will impact the course of the investigation and ultimately, the safety of Ann Gallagher.

Overall, 'Little Donkey' is a tense and emotional episode that showcases Sarah Lancashire's outstanding performance as Catherine. The episode delves deeper into Catherine's character and her struggle to balance her personal life with the demands of her job. As the tension builds, the episode keeps viewers on the edge of their seats and leaves them eagerly anticipating the season finale.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 2006
  • Runtime
    5 min
  • Language