@midnight Season 5 Episode 48
Season 5

Ep 48. Guy Branum, Rhett Miller

  • April 3, 2017
  • 1275 min

In this episode of @midnight, comedian Guy Branum and musician Rhett Miller join host Chris Hardwick for some hilarious, late-night fun. The three comedians engage in a series of fast-paced, trivia-style games that test their knowledge of pop culture and internet trends. The episode begins with a round of "HashtagWars," in which the contestants are given a topic and must come up with funny tweets that fit the theme. The topic for this game is "Failed Super Bowl Commercials," and the comedians have a blast coming up with creative and absurd ideas.

Next up is a game called "Quickest Quiz," where each player must buzz in and answer questions as quickly as possible. The questions in this round cover a wide variety of topics, from celebrity gossip to obscure internet memes. Guy and Rhett prove to be quick on their feet, but Chris is no slouch either, and the game is a close contest.

For the third segment, the three comedians play a game called "Live Dubsmash Challenge," where they must lip-sync along to popular movie and TV clips. This game is a perfect showcase for the contestants' comedic talents, as they each put their own spin on the various scenes. Guy's performance is irreverent and hilarious, while Rhett's musical background comes in handy on a few of the musical numbers.

The fourth game is a fan favorite called "Panderdome," in which the comedians must come up with pitches for hypothetical movies or TV shows based on various pop culture phenomena. The topics in this round include everything from "Celebrity Baby Photos" to "The Year 2040," and the comedians' proposed projects are hilarious and sometimes disturbing. Guy's pitch for a reality show called "Diva Kidz" is particularly memorable.

In the final segment, the comedians play "FTW," where they must give their best take on a trending internet topic and argue why their opinion is the most correct. The topic for this episode is "What Would It Take to Make You #DeleteUber?" and the comedians have some strong opinions on the current controversy surrounding the popular ride-sharing app. Guy argues that the company needs to address its treatment of drivers, while Rhett suggests that the only way to get him to delete Uber would be to take away his favorite driver.

Overall, this episode of @midnight is a hilarious and entertaining showcase for the talents of all three comedians. Guy Branum's irreverent humor and sharp wit are on full display, while Rhett Miller's musical background adds an extra layer of creativity to the proceedings. Host Chris Hardwick keeps the energy levels high throughout, and the various games provide a perfect mix of fast-paced action and clever wordplay. Whether you're a die-hard fan of the show or just looking for a lighthearted comedy fix, this episode is sure to deliver plenty of laughs and good times.

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  • First Aired
    April 3, 2017
  • Runtime
    1275 min
  • Language