New Looney Tunes Season 2 Episode 1
New Looney Tunes
Season 2

Ep 1. Hareplane Mode/Bugs of Steel

  • April 11, 2017

In the first episode of season 2 of New Looney Tunes, titled "Hareplane Mode/Bugs of Steel," Bugs Bunny is up to his usual hi-jinks with several zany adventures. The episode opens with Bugs trying to catch a flight, but he accidentally ends up on a plane ridden with quirky creatures. As he tries to regain control of the aircraft, Bugs must navigate through a series of absurd challenges and hilarious mishaps.

As the episode progresses, Bugs soon finds himself embroiled in even more chaos when he meets a fellow rabbit, who despite being born deaf has a love for music. Bugs endeavors to help his new friend fulfill her dreams of becoming a successful musician. Along the way, he runs into several familiar faces including Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig, and Daffy Duck, who all offer their unique assistance and comedic relief.

The second half of the episode titled "Bugs of Steel," sees Bugs deciding to become a superhero. He creates a new persona, 'Bugs of Steel,' and with a little help from Yosemite Sam, he designs a flashy new costume to match. Bugs is set on his mission to rid the city of crime with his superpowers, but of course, nothing is ever as easy as it seems. When Bugs realizes his powers may not be as impressive as he initially thought, he turns to his trusty friends for some much-needed guidance. The gang works together to improve Bugs's skills and create a formidable superhero team, ultimately leading to another fun-filled conclusion.

Overall, "Hareplane Mode/Bugs of Steel" is a classic Looney Tunes episode that showcases all the humor, enjoyment, and wholesome entertainment that fans of the show have come to expect and love. The episode proves that even after all these years, Bugs Bunny and the rest of the crew are still just as funny and silly as ever and that their humor can still bring laughter and joy to audiences of all ages.

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  • First Aired
    April 11, 2017
  • Language