Soviet Storm: WWII in the East Season 1 Episode 11

Ep 11. WWII in the East: The Rzhev Meat-Grinder

  • March 4, 2012

Soviet Storm season 1 episode 11, titled "WWII in the East: The Rzhev Meat-Grinder," delves into one of the deadliest battles of World War II - the Battle of Rzhev. This episode uncovers the brutal fighting that took place in Rzhev and its surrounding areas between 1942 and 1943.

The episode begins by providing a brief overview of the Eastern Front and how the Soviet Union was forced to defend its territory against the invading Nazi forces. The German army was a formidable opponent as they had advanced weaponry, experienced soldiers, and a strategic advantage.

The Battle of Rzhev began in July 1942 when German forces launched Operation Seydlitz. They aimed to crush Soviet resistance in the Rzhev area and reach Moscow. The first attack was successful as the Germans managed to break through Soviet lines and capture the city. However, the Soviet Union launched a counter-attack and managed to recapture Rzhev after a sustained and ferocious battle.

The battle continued for several months, and the Soviets launched a series of offensives to rout the Germans completely. However, the German army dug in for a defensive fight, turning the area into a meat grinder. Both sides suffered extremely high casualties, with over one million soldiers losing their lives in the battle. The Soviet Union lost the equivalent of an entire army during this battle.

The episode includes several interviews with historians and experts who provide insights into the strategies and tactics employed by the Germans and the Soviets during the battle. They also highlight the importance of the Battle of Rzhev in the wider context of the Eastern Front.

The episode features footage from the time, including actual combat footage that was restored for the series. This footage brings home the brutality and horror of the fighting and the sacrifices made by both sides.

The episode also covers the wider impact of the Battle of Rzhev on the course of the war. The German army was weakened significantly, and their morale took a severe hit due to the high casualty rates. It was a pyrrhic victory for the Soviet Union as they had lost a significant number of troops in the battle. However, it was a crucial turning point in the war, and it gave the Soviet Union the momentum it needed to take the offensive and ultimately defeat the Germans.

In conclusion, Soviet Storm season 1 episode 11, "WWII in the East: The Rzhev Meat-Grinder" sheds light on a lesser-known battle of World War II that had a significant impact on the course of the war. The episode combines expert analysis, firsthand accounts, and original footage to present a vivid and insightful portrayal of the Battle of Rzhev. It is an important episode in the series that showcases the harsh realities of war and the sacrifices made by soldiers on both sides.

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  • First Aired
    March 4, 2012
  • Language