Spitting Image Season 3 Episode 2
Spitting Image
Season 3

Ep 2. 04/06/1986

  • April 6, 1986
  • 23 min

Spitting Image Season 3 Episode 2, titled "04/06/1986," takes viewers back to the politically charged atmosphere of the mid-1980s. With its signature satirical humor and irreverent puppetry, the show explores the key events and personalities that had a significant impact on the world during that time.

The episode opens with a hilarious skit featuring Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the infamous Iron Lady, and her sweeping privatization agenda. The Spitting Image puppet portrayal of Thatcher captures her authoritative and often uncompromising demeanor, while delivering biting commentary on the policies and controversies surrounding her administration. Through a series of witty sketches, viewers are treated to satirical insights into her leadership style and interactions with fellow politicians.

Throughout the episode, other major political figures of the era also take center stage. Spitting Image points its satirical microscope at Ronald Reagan, the President of the United States at the time. The puppet version of Reagan, with his characteristic folksy charm and conservative ideology, provides ample comedic material as the show caricatures his political decisions, international relations, and his unique way of handling crises.

In addition to Thatcher and Reagan, the episode delves into the complex world of international affairs. The focus shifts to real-life events, such as the escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly the Iran-Iraq War. Spitting Image combines comedy with political commentary, using its puppets to depict the key players engaged in geopolitical power struggles. With biting satire and clever humor, the episode explores the complexities and absurdities of global politics during this time.

The entertainment world also comes under scrutiny in this episode. Spitting Image takes aim at the music industry of the mid-1980s, delivering a series of uproarious sketches featuring famous musicians and bands of the era. From parodies of chart-topping hits to humorous portrayals of pop stars, the show satirizes the excesses and eccentricities of the music business, while offering commentary on the changing cultural landscape of the time.

As with every episode of Spitting Image, the show does not shy away from lampooning the British Royal Family. The episode includes sketches featuring Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, and Princess Diana. The puppetry captures the distinct personalities and idiosyncrasies of these public figures, presenting a humorous take on their private lives and public roles. With its trademark irreverence, the show pokes fun at the conventions and traditions of the monarchy, while also reflecting the public's fascination with the royal family during this period.

While primarily focused on political satire, Spitting Image also finds opportunities to parody various aspects of popular culture. The episode highlights the rise of consumerism in the 1980s, with sketches featuring advertisements, shopping sprees, and the glitzy excesses of the yuppie lifestyle. These moments provide a lighter touch to the episode, offering a glimpse into the absurdities of materialism and consumer culture.

Throughout "04/06/1986," Spitting Image showcases its trademark blend of biting political satire, cultural commentary, and comedic puppetry. The episode serves as a time capsule, capturing the essence of a politically charged era and delivering laughs while shedding light on the events and personalities that defined the world of the mid-1980s. With its sharp wit and irreverent humor, this installment of Spitting Image is sure to entertain and prompt reflection on the social and political climate of the time.

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  • First Aired
    April 6, 1986
  • Runtime
    23 min
  • Language