SpongeBob SquarePants Season 5 Episode 23

Ep 23. The Donut of Shame

  • August 1, 2007

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series that has been entertaining audiences of all ages since 1999. The show follows the adventures of a sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants and his friends in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob may seem like an average sea sponge, but in reality, he is a fun-loving, optimistic character who always tries to make the best out of any situation. The show is known for its zany humor, colorful animation, and memorable characters.

Season 5 episode 23 of SpongeBob SquarePants is entitled "The Donut of Shame." The episode begins with SpongeBob excitedly waiting in line at the Krusty Krab to try the new donut that has just been added to the menu. However, when he finally gets to the front of the line, he is informed by Squidward that the donut is only available to Krusty Krab employees. Squidward, who is mad at SpongeBob for consistently outperforming him at work, takes pleasure in breaking the news to him.

Later, SpongeBob is tasked with delivering a Krusty Krab pizza to a customer's house. However, on the way there, he accidentally drops the pizza. In a moment of desperation, he spots the employee-only donut in his backpack and decides to use it as a replacement pizza pie. When he arrives at the customer's house, they are angry with him for being so late with the pizza. SpongeBob offers them the donut as a peace offering, explaining that it is a new Krusty Krab menu item.

The customers are ecstatic about the donut's deliciousness and demand to know where they can purchase it. SpongeBob, not wanting to get in trouble for giving out a donut that is only for employees, lies and tells them that it is a one-of-a-kind donut that he made himself. They are impressed with SpongeBob's cooking skills and offer to pay him to make more donuts for them. SpongeBob reluctantly agrees and begins to bake donuts in secret.

Things quickly spiral out of control as more and more customers demand SpongeBob's secret donut recipe and he struggles to keep up with the orders. He turns to his friends for help, but they all refuse to aid him in disobeying their boss, Mr. Krabs. Eventually, Mr. Krabs finds out about SpongeBob's secret donut-making operation and is furious at him for stealing from the Krusty Krab. Mr. Krabs forces SpongeBob to wear a donut-shaped sign that reads "I stole from the Krusty Krab" as a punishment.

SpongeBob is mortified by the humiliation of donning the sign and avoids going outside as much as possible. He tries to come up with a plan to redeem himself in the eyes of his coworkers, but every scheme he comes up with fails miserably. In the end, he realizes that the only way to regain his coworkers' trust is to confess to his wrongdoing and make amends for it.

"The Donut of Shame" is a classic episode of SpongeBob SquarePants that showcases the show's humorous take on everyday situations. The episode teaches viewers the importance of honesty and facing the consequences of one's actions. With its colorful animation and lovable characters, it's no wonder that SpongeBob SquarePants continues to be a beloved television show after all these years.

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  • First Aired
    August 1, 2007
  • Language