That Metal Show Season 8 Episode 7
That Metal Show
Season 8

Ep 7. Stephen Pearcy (Ratt) and Ripper Owens

  • October 1, 2011

That Metal Show season 8 episode 7 features Stephen Pearcy, the lead singer of the legendary heavy metal band, Ratt, and Ripper Owens, the former lead singer of Judas Priest. Hosts Eddie Trunk, Jim Florentine, and Don Jamieson sit down with the two metal legends to discuss their careers, influences, and what it was like to be a part of two of the most iconic metal bands in history.

The episode kicks off with a discussion about Ratt's classic album, "Out of the Cellar," which celebrates its 35th anniversary this year. Pearcy reflects on the making of the album, the success of the hit single "Round and Round," and how the band's hair metal image helped them stand out in the crowded metal scene of the 80s.

The hosts also ask Pearcy about his new solo album, "View to a Thrill," and what fans can expect from his current tour. Pearcy talks about the challenges of being a solo artist after spending so many years with Ratt and how he's adjusting to being the frontman of his own band.

Ripper Owens joins the conversation and shares his experiences joining Judas Priest after the departure of original lead singer, Rob Halford. Owens talks about the pressure he felt stepping into such an iconic role and how he prepared for the job.

The hosts also talk to Owens about his time with the band Iced Earth and his upcoming solo album. Owens discusses how his solo music differs from his work with Judas Priest and how he balances his time between his various musical projects.

As always, the episode includes several segments, including "Put it on the Table," where the hosts share their opinions on recent metal news and releases, and "The Throwdown," where two metal albums are pitted against each other to determine which is the superior album.

Overall, the episode is a must-watch for fans of Ratt and Judas Priest, as well as anyone who loves classic heavy metal. The discussion is insightful and entertaining, and the hosts do an excellent job of keeping the conversation flowing while still allowing their guests to shine. Whether you're a seasoned metal fan or just dipping your toes into the genre, That Metal Show season 8 episode 7 is sure to be a hit.

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  • First Aired
    October 1, 2011
  • Language