Solomon Northup's Odyssey

Watch Solomon Northup's Odyssey

  • 2020
  • 1 hr 54 min

Solomon Northup's Odyssey is a powerful and compelling movie that tells the true story of a free black man living in New York in the mid-19th century who is abducted and sold into slavery in the South. Starring Avery Brooks as Solomon Northup and Rhetta Greene as his wife Anne, the film tells the harrowing tale of Northup's journey from a life of relative freedom and prosperity to one of brutal oppression and exploitation.

The movie opens with Northup living a comfortable life as a musician and family man in New York. He is well-respected by his peers and enjoys an affluent lifestyle that is unheard of for a black man at the time. However, his life changes dramatically when he is approached by two strangers who offer him a job as a musician. Northup is hesitant at first but eventually agrees, only to be drugged and sold into slavery in Louisiana.

Solomon's Odyssey takes the audience on a tense and emotional journey as Northup is forced to navigate the challenges of his new life as a slave. He is stripped of his identity, his dignity and his freedom as he is subjected to the cruelty and violence of his new owners. The movie does not shy away from the brutal realities of slavery, depicting the inhumane treatment of slaves, including beatings, torture, and sexual assault.

Despite the overwhelming odds against him, Northup refuses to give up. He fights to retain his sense of self and his humanity, even as he is forced to perform grueling labor under the whip of his masters. The movie portrays Northup as a hero, a man who refuses to be broken by the cruelty of slavery and who never loses hope of regaining his freedom.

The film is not just a story about one man's struggle for freedom. It is also a poignant commentary on the human condition and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Solomon's Odyssey is a film that will leave its audience both heartbroken and inspired, as they witness Northup's incredible journey of survival and triumph.

The actors deliver powerful performances that bring the story to life. Avery Brooks is outstanding as Solomon Northup, conveying the character's depth, complexity and internal struggle with both subtlety and intensity. Rhetta Greene shines as Northup's wife Anne, who never gives up on her husband and tirelessly works to secure his release.

Solomon's Odyssey is a beautifully shot film with stunning cinematography that captures the vastness and complexity of the world it depicts. The sound design is also noteworthy, immersing the viewer in the harsh realities of plantation life with the sounds of whips cracking, dogs barking, and chains clinking.

Overall, Solomon's Odyssey is a masterpiece of storytelling that is both thought-provoking and emotionally stirring. The film is a reminder of the injustices of the past and a call to action for the present, urging us to continue fighting for justice and equality for all.

Solomon Northup's Odyssey is a 2020 documentary with a runtime of 1 hour and 54 minutes.

Where to Watch Solomon Northup's Odyssey
Solomon Northup's Odyssey is available to watch free on Pluto TV, Tubi TV and Vudu Free. It's also available to stream, download and buy on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon and Vudu. Some platforms allow you to rent Solomon Northup's Odyssey for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 54 min