Chicken Girls Season 4 Episode 9
Chicken Girls
Season 4

Ep 9. Battle of the Classes

  • May 14, 2019
  • 11 min

In Chicken Girls season 4 episode 9, titled "Battle of the Classes," the students of Attaway High are gearing up for the annual Battle of the Classes competition. This year, the popular dance team The Beasties, led by Ellie, is determined to dominate the competition and take home the trophy for the seniors.

However, The Beasties face fierce competition from the juniors' team, The Warriors, led by their captain, Tim Sharp. The Warriors are determined to win and prove that they can be just as successful as the seniors.

The competition heats up as both teams work tirelessly to perfect their choreography and impress the judges. But outside of dance practice, tensions are running high as Ellie and Tim navigate their complicated relationship. Ellie struggles with her feelings for Tim while also trying to lead her team to victory. Meanwhile, Tim is torn between his loyalty to his team and his growing feelings for Ellie.

As the day of the competition approaches, both teams are feeling the pressure to deliver a winning performance. The stakes are high, and each team is determined to come out on top. But when unexpected drama threatens to derail their chance at victory, the dancers must come together to support each other and rise above the competition.

"Battle of the Classes" is a thrilling, action-packed episode that showcases the talent and determination of the Attaway High dancers. Fans of the show will be on the edge of their seats as they watch the intense competition unfold and cheer for their favorite team to win. It's a must-watch episode that perfectly captures the excitement and drama of high school dance competitions.

Watch Chicken Girls - Battle of the Classes (s4 e9) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Chicken Girls, Season 4 Episode 9, is available to watch free on YouTube and stream on YouTube. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Chicken Girls on demand at Amazon online.
  • First Aired
    May 14, 2019
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language