Watch Der grosse Rausch

  • 2020
  • 1 Season

Der grosse Rausch is a television show on the Franco-German network Arte about our growing understanding of alcohol and its effects on Western societies. Over the past several years, there has been a renewed interest in the ways we consume and interact with alcohol, and this show aims to delve into the complexities of this topic.

The show is structured around interviews with experts in the field of addiction, doctors, historians, and other relevant figures. With their help, the show traces the history of alcohol consumption from ancient times to the present day. It aims to answer questions like: How did we first discover alcohol? What role has it played in various cultures? How has it evolved over time?

The show also pays special attention to the impact of alcohol on society. Many of the experts interviewed discuss the toll of alcohol-related illnesses, such as cirrhosis and other liver diseases. They also examine the ways in which alcohol can have societal consequences, contributing to problems such as domestic violence and unsafe driving.

Throughout the show, viewers are encouraged to reflect on their own relationship with alcohol. In one segment, participants are shown taking a "drunk goggles" test – a simulation that mimics the feeling of being intoxicated. The goal of this exercise is to illustrate the way that alcohol can impair judgment and make everyday tasks more difficult.

The show also explores the rise of new trends in alcohol consumption, such as craft beer and artisanal spirits. These trends, the experts argue, can both contribute to and alleviate some of the problems associated with alcohol. While artisanal beverages can promote moderation and appreciation for the craft and culture behind them, they can also be more potent and more expensive, leading to increased rates of binge drinking among some populations.

One of the central themes of Der grosse Rausch is the intersection of alcohol with other aspects of our lives, such as sexuality and politics. One interviewee, a historian, traces the ways that drinking cultures have been leveraged by politicians throughout history, from ancient Rome to modern-day Russia. Other segments touch on the role of alcohol in human sexuality, from its use as a social lubricant to its potential to exacerbate existing power imbalances.

Throughout the show, the viewer is presented with a nuanced picture of alcohol and its impact on society. While the experts ultimately agree that there is no simple solution to the problem of alcohol abuse, they do offer concrete suggestions for how we can work to mitigate its negative effects. These include everything from policies that make alcohol more expensive and harder to access (such as minimum pricing laws) to community organizations that promote moderation and responsible drinking.

Overall, Der grosse Rausch is a thought-provoking and informative exploration of one of the most complex issues facing Western societies today. Whether you're a teetotaler or a seasoned drinker, there is something in this show for everyone.

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  • Premiere Date
    March 30, 2020