Forbidden History Season 5 Episode 4

Ep 4. The Real James Bond

  • May 30, 2019
  • 7.4  (14)

In Forbidden History season 5 episode 4, titled "The Real James Bond," viewers are taken on a journey through the true story of the man who inspired Ian Fleming's famous spy. This episode begins with a look at the life of Fleming himself, his experiences as a British intelligence officer during World War II, and his creation of the iconic character of James Bond.

However, the focus of this episode is not on Bond as a fictional character, but rather on the real-life man who served as Fleming's inspiration: Commander Wilfred Dunderdale. Dunderdale was a British spy who worked on undercover missions in WWI and served as the Director of Naval Intelligence in World War II.

The episode explores Dunderdale's life and accomplishments, including his role in uncovering a German spy ring during World War I that was plotting to bomb British ports. Dunderdale's success was in part due to his use of innovative spy techniques, such as disguises and secret codes. Viewers also learn about his friendship with Fleming and how their work together influenced the creation of James Bond.

Throughout the episode, experts in the fields of spy history and James Bond fandom provide their insights on Dunderdale's life and legacy. Viewers also have the opportunity to see some of the actual locations where Dunderdale worked in London and learn about the various gadgets and tools he used in his espionage work.

In addition to Dunderdale, the episode also explores other real-life spies who influenced the creation of James Bond. This includes Sidney Reilly, a Russian-born spy who worked for the British during WWI and was known for his charm and charisma. There is a particular focus on the fact that Bond's persona was likely inspired by a combination of many different real-life spies, rather than being based solely on Dunderdale or any one individual.

As with all episodes of Forbidden History, "The Real James Bond" aims to explore the hidden history that is often left out of textbooks and popular culture. This episode sheds light on the real-world events and people that inspired the fictional world of James Bond. Fans of the franchise will enjoy learning about the many fascinating individuals who helped shape the character of Bond, while those interested in history and espionage will appreciate the in-depth look at the life of a real-life spy.

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  • First Aired
    May 30, 2019
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (14)