Go Away Unicorn Season 1 Episode 31
Go Away Unicorn
Season 1

Ep 31. Snap Out of It, Unicorn!

  • February 2, 2019

Go Away Unicorn season 1 episode 31 is titled "Snap Out of It, Unicorn!" The episode revolves around Alice, a young girl who has a problem sleeping. She tries everything to fall asleep- from counting sheep to drinking warm milk, but nothing seems to work. Unicorn, her imaginary friend, notices her friend's sleeplessness, and decides to help her. Unicorn suggests listening to some white noise, which he promises will make her fall asleep in no time.

Alice is skeptical about Unicorn's methods, but agrees to give it a try. Unicorn starts playing the white noise, but Alice still can't sleep. She starts getting frustrated and irritated, and Unicorn realizes that the white noise isn't working as expected. He decides to take Alice on a magical journey to help her relax.

Alice and Unicorn travel to a beautiful beach, where the sun is setting and the waves are crashing gently on the shore. Unicorn magically creates a hammock, and Alice lies down on it. She starts feeling calm and relaxed, and is finally able to fall asleep.

However, their peaceful moment is interrupted by a loud thunderstorm. Alice wakes up and starts panicking, but Unicorn assures her that it's just a passing storm and that they're safe. As they watch the storm from a distance, they see a beautiful rainbow, and Unicorn explains to Alice the science behind the formation of rainbows.

Alice is fascinated by the rainbow, and starts asking Unicorn more questions about the magical world they're in. They continue their journey, and encounter various magical creatures along the way, such as fairies and unicorns. Alice forgets about her sleeplessness and starts enjoying her time with Unicorn.

As their journey comes to an end, Alice thanks Unicorn for helping her sleep and for taking her on such a wonderful adventure. Unicorn reminds her that all she needed to do was relax and let go of her worries. He tells her that she can always come to him whenever she needs help or just wants to have some fun.

Overall, "Snap Out of It, Unicorn!" is a heartwarming episode that teaches children the importance of relaxation and letting go of their worries. It encourages kids to seek the help of their friends and loved ones whenever they need it. The episode is filled with magical moments that are sure to capture the imagination of young viewers.

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  • First Aired
    February 2, 2019
  • Language