Watch Big City Greens
- TV-Y7
- 2018
- 7 Seasons
7.6 (3,484)
Big City Greens is an animated comedy television series that premiered on the Disney Channel in 2018. The show features the voices of Chris Houghton, Bob Joles, and Marieve Herington, among others. The series follows the green family - Bill, a farmer, his wife Alice, and their children Cricket and Tilly - as they move from the countryside to the big city. They settle in a neighborhood filled with quirky inhabitants, and soon discover that city life is very different from the slow-paced life they were used to.
Cricket, the mischievous and adventurous eldest of the Green siblings, has a strong sense of curiosity that often leads him and his siblings into trouble. Tilly, his younger sister, is a sweet and caring girl who is always ready to lend a helping hand. Alice is a devoted mother who loves her family dearly, while Bill is a practical farmer who struggles to adjust to city life.
Big City Greens is an entertaining and heartwarming show that explores family values, friendship, and the ups and downs of living in a big city. Each episode follows the Greens as they encounter new challenges and learn valuable life lessons, all while trying to make the most of their new surroundings.
One of the show's best aspects is its humor, which ranges from witty wordplay to slapstick antics. The characters are all endearing in their own way, and the show does a fantastic job of developing each of them over time. The animation is also well done, with bright and colorful visuals that perfectly capture the energy and vibrancy of the city.
Another great thing about Big City Greens is its inclusivity. The show features a diverse cast of characters, including people of different ethnicities, ages, and backgrounds. This adds a sense of realism to the show that makes it feel more grounded and relatable.
Overall, Big City Greens is a fantastic show that is sure to delight viewers of all ages. Whether you're looking for laughs, heartwarming stories, or just a fun way to spend some time, this show has it all. So if you haven't already, be sure to Watch Big City Greens Online and join the Greens on their wild and wacky adventures in the big city.
Big City Greens is a series that ran for 7 seasons (120 episodes) between June 18, 2018 and on Disney Channel