Grizzy and the Lemmings Season 1 Episode 39

Ep 39. Bear in the Wind

  • TVY7
  • May 23, 2017
  •   (9)

Grizzy and the Lemmings season 1 episode 39 is titled "Bear in the Wind". The episode follows Grizzy, a bear who lives in a cabin in a forest, as he tries to enjoy a peaceful nap while the Lemmings cause mischief and hysteria outside. However, things take a turn when a strong wind blows through the forest, causing chaos and destruction throughout.

The wind begins to pick up in strength, blowing items around and sending the Lemmings flying. Grizzy tries to wait it out inside his cabin, but soon realizes that the wind is not going to pass quickly. He ventures outside to try and salvage his belongings, but the wind is too strong for him to handle alone. The Lemmings, not able to resist the opportunity for further chaos, continue to wreak havoc amidst the windstorm.

As the storm worsens, Grizzy takes shelter in a nearby cave. There, he encounters a family of bears who have also sought refuge from the fierce wind. Grizzy tries to bond with the other bears, but struggles with his limited social skills. Meanwhile, the Lemmings continue to cause destruction, using the wind to their advantage.

Grizzy and the other bears develop a plan to try and escape the cave and make their way back to Grizzy's cabin. However, the wind proves too strong for their plan to work, and they are forced to find another solution. Through teamwork and perseverance, Grizzy and the other bears are able to make it back to the cabin and salvage some of their belongings.

As the wind dies down, Grizzy reflects on the experience and realizes that he needs to learn more about socializing with other bears. The episode ends with the Lemmings, having caused chaos and destruction for the entire day, settling in for a peaceful night's sleep.

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  • First Aired
    May 23, 2017
  • Content Rating
  • Language