I Can See Your Voice Season 1 Episode 3

Ep 3. Episode 3: Nicole Scherzinger, DeRay Davis, Russell Peters, Cheryl Hines, Adrienne Houghton

  • TVPG
  • October 14, 2020
  • 7.4  (21)

Episode 3 of I Can See Your Voice season 1 features a star-studded panel of celebrity judges including Nicole Sherzinger, DeRay Davis, Russell Peters, Cheryl Hines, and Adrienne Houghton. The premise of the show remains the same, as contestants are tasked with determining who among a group of six mystery singers is the real deal and who is simply lip-synching.

The first round of the night sees the judges presented with six potential singers, each given a brief introduction and a snippet of footage highlighting their performance abilities or lack thereof. The judges must examine the physical attributes and mannerisms of each contestant in an attempt to gauge their potential singing abilities. As the contestants take their turns singing, the judges carefully scrutinize their performances for any hints as to the genuine singer among them.

One contestant who stands out in particular in this round is a young man with a confident stage presence and a booming voice. As he sings a rendition of Sam Smith’s “Stay With Me,” the judges’ jaws drop in amazement at his vocal prowess. However, there are also a few contestants whose performances fail to impress, causing the judges to suspect that they are lip-synching.

In round two, the contestants are paired up and asked to perform a duet. This round is particularly challenging, as it requires the contestants to harmonize and blend their voices together seamlessly. The judges, having eliminated a few of the more obvious lip-synchers from the first round, are now presented with a more difficult challenge in determining who among the remaining contestants is the real singer.

As the contestants perform their duets, the judges search for any indications that one of them is lip-synching. They scrutinize their facial expressions, body language, and vocal tics, hoping to uncover any evidence that would indicate they are not actually singing. But despite their best efforts, some of the duets leave the judges more confused than ever before.

In the final round, the remaining contestants are paired up with the celebrity judges themselves, as they perform a song together. This round is particularly interesting, as it allows the judges to showcase their own vocal abilities (or lack thereof) while also giving them one final chance to suss out any lip-synchers among the remaining contestants.

As the judges and contestants perform together, the judges once again scrutinize their partners’ every move, searching for any indications that they might not be singing. But this is easier said than done, as some of the contestants prove so convincing that even the most discerning judges find themselves second-guessing their initial assessments.

Overall, episode 3 of I Can See Your Voice season 1 is a suspenseful and engaging installment of the hit series. With a lineup of celebrity judges as diverse as Nicole Sherzinger, DeRay Davis, Russell Peters, Cheryl Hines, and Adrienne Houghton, this episode provides plenty of laughs, surprises, and moments of musical magic. So sit back, relax, and get ready to put your own skills to the test as you try to unravel the mystery of which contestants are truly gifted singers, and which are just skilled lip-synchers.

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  • First Aired
    October 14, 2020
  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.4  (21)