Lords and Ladles Season 1 Episode 2
Lords and Ladles
Season 1

Ep 2. Tullynally Castle

In episode 2 of Lords and Ladles, the trio of celebrity chefs and presenters - Catherine Fulvio, Derry Clarke, and Paul Flynn, travel to Tullynally Castle in Westmeath, Ireland, to unravel the history of one of the oldest castles in the region.

The episode begins with a grand introduction of the castle, set amidst the lush greenery and enchanting gardens. As the Lords and Ladles trio enter the castle, they discover the many secrets and stories that lie behind its doors. Tullynally Castle, which was originally built in the 17th century, has a rich and diverse history. It has been home to several powerful families over the centuries, including the Pakenham family, who owned it for over 350 years until it was sold to Matthieu de Montgolfier, a French baron, in 1995.

As the trio starts to investigate the culinary history of the castle, they discover that the Pakenham's were once famous for holding lavish feasts and parties. To understand more about the food culture of the time, Catherine, Derry, and Paul meet up with a food historian, Regina Sexton. They learn that during the 18th and 19th centuries, the wealthy ate like lords, and the poor simply subsisted on a diet of potatoes and milk. As they dig deeper into the archives, they find out that the kitchen at Tullynally once served a three-day feast that included 35 dishes per meal, prepared by 10 kitchen staff.

To recreate a 19th-century feast worthy of the Pakenham's legacy, the Lords and Ladles trio gets to work in the castle's kitchens. They have to source the ingredients locally and prepare everything using traditional methods and cookware. The trio enlists the help of local artisans, bakers, and farmers who lend a hand in the preparation of dishes like oysters, beef, cake, and pies. With all hands on deck, the team spends hours preparing and cooking the feast, taking great care to ensure that every dish is authentic and historically accurate.

As the feast is laid out on the grand dining table, the trio and their guests, including the Pakenham family and local dignitaries, come together to enjoy the elaborate culinary spread and indulge in the flavors of the past. The guests dress up in 19th-century clothing, adding to the overall splendor of the feast. The three chefs take turns to explain the dishes, their history, and the cooking process. It's a time warp to the past as everyone enjoys the bounty of the feast, while reveling in the grandeur of one of Ireland's finest castles.

The episode beautifully captures the essence of Tullynally Castle, its history, and gastronomy. It's a feast for the eyes and the senses, as viewers are taken on a journey through time, discovering the rich food culture and traditions of the past. The lavish display of food and drink is matched by the stunning backdrop of the castle and its gardens, making it a true delight for any history or food enthusiast.

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