Pat the Dog Season 1 Episode 22
Pat the Dog
Season 1

Ep 22. Special Delivery

  • June 25, 2017

Pat the Dog season 1 episode 22 is titled Special Delivery. In this episode, viewers will see Pat helping his friend Lola with her school project. Lola is trying to build a robot, and Pat offers to help her gather materials from a nearby junkyard.

As they search for materials, Pat and Lola stumble upon a mysterious box. It's tightly locked and seems to have been abandoned. Pat and Lola are curious and decide to investigate the contents of the box. They try to open it, but it won't budge. The two friends become determined to solve the mystery of what's inside the box.

Meanwhile, Victor, the sneaky neighbor, is trying to find the box as well. He believes that there's something valuable inside, and he's determined to get his hands on it. He starts to spy on Pat and Lola, hoping to catch them in the act of opening the box.

Pat and Lola eventually discover that the box belongs to their science teacher, Mr. Muffin. Inside the box is a rare and valuable crystal that Mr. Muffin plans to use for the school's upcoming science fair. Pat and Lola are relieved to have solved the mystery, but they're worried about keeping the crystal safe.

Victor overhears their conversation and tries to steal the crystal. Pat and Lola, with the help of Jumbo, must fight off Victor and his robotic minions to keep the crystal safe. They eventually defeat Victor and safely deliver the crystal to Mr. Muffin.

Special Delivery is a fun and adventurous episode that showcases the importance of teamwork and problem-solving. Viewers will enjoy watching Pat and Lola work together to solve the mystery of the box and keep the crystal safe. The episode is full of exciting action scenes and humorous moments that will keep kids entertained. It's a must-watch for anyone who loves the Pat the Dog series.

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  • First Aired
    June 25, 2017
  • Language