Rad Or Fad

Watch Rad Or Fad

  • 2017
  • 1 Season

Rad or Fad is a fun and light-hearted series from BuzzFeed Originals that stars Selorm Kploanyi, a media personality and Instagram influencer, and Maya Murillo, a video producer and content creator. The show, as the name suggests, is all about determining whether the latest trends are radical or have already reached their expiration date.

Each episode features Selorm and Maya taking turns to present a viral trend, meme, or challenge that has taken the internet by storm. They provide a brief background on the trend and explain the rules, if any. Then, they give their opinions on whether the trend is worth trying or if it's already passé.

What makes Rad or Fad a standout show is the chemistry between Selorm and Maya. Their animated discussions, witty banter, and occasional disagreements make for entertaining viewing. Their personalities also shine through as they share their personal experiences and preferences.

In addition to their opinions, Selorm and Maya invite guest experts to weigh in on the trends. These guests span a range of fields, including fashion, music, and social media. They share their insights on the cultural significance of the trend and whether it has the potential to endure or fade away.

Rad or Fad also includes a social media component. Viewers are encouraged to join the conversation by using the hashtag #radorfad on Twitter and Instagram. Selorm and Maya read out some of the best comments and give shoutouts to fans who participate.

One of the strengths of Rad or Fad is its use of humor to engage viewers. The show is unabashedly silly at times, with Selorm and Maya occasionally breaking into dance or attempting to imitate a viral challenge on camera. This levity creates a relaxed, playful vibe that invites viewers to have fun with the show.

At the same time, Rad or Fad is not simply frivolous. The show offers insights into how trends evolve and how they reflect cultural shifts. Selorm and Maya are keen observers of social media, and their commentary on the trends is grounded in an understanding of the platforms and communities where they originate.

Another aspect of Rad or Fad that sets it apart from other shows is its inclusivity. Selorm and Maya are both people of color, and they take care to showcase trends and memes that represent a diverse range of cultures and communities. They also invite guests who bring different perspectives and experiences to the table.

Overall, Rad or Fad is a fast-paced, visually engaging show that is perfect for viewers who want to stay up to date with the latest internet trends. Selorm and Maya are charismatic hosts who bring energy and enthusiasm to every episode. Whether a trend is radical or a fad, the show is always entertaining.

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  • Premiere Date
    November 26, 2017