Summer Camp Island Season 1 Episode 13

Ep 13. It's My Party

  • TV-PG
  • July 7, 2018
  • 11 min
  •   (40)

On the thirteenth and final episode of the first season of Summer Camp Island entitled "It's My Party," the campers of Summer Camp Island prepare for Susie's birthday party. Susie, a witch, is known for being less than friendly, and Alice and Oscar are uncertain whether they should attend her party. They ultimately decide to go and try to enjoy themselves despite their usually hostile campmate.

The episode opens with Alice and Oscar getting ready for Susie's party. Alice, who is always eager to please everyone, is excited to go to the party, but Oscar is hesitant. They make their way to the party, and it quickly becomes apparent that they're the only ones there. Susie is understandably upset that no one else showed up, and Alice and Oscar try their best to lift her spirits.

As the night progresses, the trio engages in various party activities. They play pin the tail on the donkey, eat cake, and even do a little bit of dancing. Susie is still feeling down, however, and Alice and Oscar try to cheer her up by telling her how much they value her friendship.

Things take a turn when the campers start receiving mysterious invitations to parties all over Summer Camp Island. Alice and Oscar are sent to separate gatherings and realize that Susie is behind the strange invitations. They confront her, and she admits that she just wanted to make sure everyone had a good time and didn't want to feel left out like she did at her own party.

The trio comes up with a plan to ensure that no one is left out at any future parties. Throughout the course of their plan, Alice, Oscar, and Susie realize that they are better off together than they are apart and that friendships can be forged even in the unlikeliest of places.

The episode closes with Alice and Oscar bidding Susie a heartfelt farewell as they prepare to leave Summer Camp Island. The trio reflects on all of the adventures they had together and promises to stay in touch.

Overall, "It's My Party" is a heartwarming finale to the first season of Summer Camp Island. It emphasizes the importance of friendship, even in the unlikeliest of places, and shows that sometimes all it takes to make someone feel valued is a little bit of effort and a whole lot of kindness. Fans of the show will not be disappointed by this charming and heartwarming episode.

Watch Summer Camp Island - It's My Party (s1 e13) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Summer Camp Island, Season 1 Episode 13, is available to watch free on Cartoon Network and stream on HBO Max. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Summer Camp Island on demand at Max, Amazon, Vudu, Microsoft Movies & TV, Sling, Google Play, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    July 7, 2018
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language