Tales Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1

Ep 5. Children's Story

  • October 17, 2017
  • 7.3  (23)

In Tales season 1 episode 5, entitled "Children's Story," viewers are taken on a journey through the eyes of several young children living in a neighborhood plagued by violence. The episode is directed by Irv Gotti, who brings his unique flair and perspective to this gritty and emotional installment of the series.

The episode begins with a group of children playing in the street, but their lighthearted romp is interrupted by the sound of gunshots. They scatter and run for cover, but the violence is impossible to escape. As the episode progresses, viewers see the impact of this violence on the children, both emotionally and physically.

Despite the dark subject matter, there are moments of hope and resilience throughout the episode. One of the children, a young girl named Janiyah, is determined to hold onto her hope and her dreams, even as the world around her seems to crumble. She dreams of becoming a veterinarian, and her optimistic outlook is a beacon of light in an otherwise challenging environment.

As the episode unfolds, viewers see how the cycle of violence can perpetuate itself, passing from generation to generation. The children are forced to navigate a world that is often confusing and frightening, and their innocence is frequently shattered by the harsh realities they face.

Despite the difficult subject matter, "Children's Story" is a well-crafted and thought-provoking episode that will resonate with viewers. The performances by the young actors are particularly powerful, and the episode's message is an important one. It highlights the importance of community, and the need for support and understanding in the face of adversity.

Overall, Tales season 1 episode 5 is a must-watch for anyone interested in thought-provoking and emotionally impactful television. While it may not be easy viewing, it is an important and powerful episode that will leave a lasting impression.

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  • First Aired
    October 17, 2017
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (23)