The Big Fib Season 1 Episode 2
The Big Fib
Season 1

Ep 2. Nursing & Insects

  • May 22, 2020
  •   (9)

The Big Fib is a children's game show on Disney+ that challenges contestants to spot the liar among a pair of grown-up "fibbers." Host Yvette Nicole Brown is joined by her robot sidekick C.L.I.V.E. (short for "Computerized Library Intelligence and Very Entertaining") as they introduce two experts in a particular field to the contestants. One is an actual authority on the subject, while the other is a convincing faker who will do everything in their power to convince the kids that they're legit. The twist is that Yvette, C.L.I.V.E., and the home audience know which expert is the real deal and which is the fake. It's up to the contestants to use their own detective skills to figure it out.

Episode 2, titled "Nursing & Insects," features nurse practitioner Pilar Shell and entomologist Dr. Laura Lavely as the two fibbers. The contestants are three kids - Kya (age 11), Jett (age 10), and Lynae (age 9) - who are eager to show off their knowledge about these two very different fields.

Pilar introduces herself as a nurse who works in a hospital, taking care of patients who are sick or injured. She explains the different roles of nurses in the healthcare system and shares some interesting tidbits, like how the red cross symbol on her scrubs means that she's a registered nurse. She also tells the kids about some of the most common injuries and ailments that she sees, like broken bones and cuts that need stitches.

Dr. Laura, on the other hand, proclaims herself an expert on insects - all kinds of them. She describes herself as a field scientist who travels to different parts of the world to study bugs. She shows off her collection of preserved insects, from giant spiders to colorful beetles, and talks about how insects are important to our ecosystem. She even claims that some insects can be used for medicine!

The contestants ask both fibbers a series of questions about their professions, trying to glean any information that might give away the liar. Kya asks Pilar about the most common disease she treats, while Jett wants to know why nurses wear masks. Lynae wonders about the difference between a bug and an insect, and asks Dr. Laura if she's ever been stung by a bee.

Both Pilar and Dr. Laura are convincing in their answers, but one of them slips up and gives away a clue that the contestants pick up on. The kids make their final guesses, and Yvette reveals the truth - which expert was the real deal and which was the liar. The winner gets a trophy and bragging rights for being the best fib-spotter of the day.

The episode is entertaining for both kids and adults, with Yvette's bubbly personality and the silly antics of C.L.I.V.E. adding to the fun. The show also provides a good opportunity for kids to learn about different professions and fields of study, while also honing their critical thinking skills and ability to spot deception. With each episode focusing on a new subject, The Big Fib is a great way to keep kids engaged and learning.

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  • First Aired
    May 22, 2020
  • Language