The Killer Truth Season 1 Episode 8
The Killer Truth
Season 1

Ep 8. A Killing in Kansas

  • TVPG
  • June 7, 2020
  • 40 min

The Killer Truth season 1 episode 8, A Killing in Kansas, follows the investigation into the murder of a woman in small-town Kansas. The episode begins with interviews from the victim's friends and family, who describe her as kind and hard-working, with no known enemies.

As law enforcement begins their investigation, they discover several leads that point to a possible suspect in the case. The suspect, who was known to the victim, is questioned by police and denies involvement in the murder.

As the investigation progresses, the evidence against the suspect starts to build. Law enforcement discovers that the suspect had a motive for the crime and had been involved in a previous altercation with the victim. Additionally, the suspect's alibi is called into question, providing further suspicion.

As the case moves forward, law enforcement is able to gather enough evidence to make an arrest. The episode follows the trial of the suspect, as the prosecution presents their case to the courtroom.

Throughout the trial, the defendant's defense team argues that the evidence against their client is circumstantial and that there is reasonable doubt. However, the prosecution is able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the suspect did, in fact, commit the murder.

In the end, the suspect is found guilty and sentenced to life in prison for the murder of the victim. The episode concludes with interviews from the victim's family, who express their relief and satisfaction in seeing the suspect brought to justice.

Overall, The Killer Truth season 1 episode 8 is a compelling and captivating look into the investigation and trial of a murder case in small-town Kansas. The episode is a testament to the hard work and dedication of law enforcement and the criminal justice system, as they work to bring justice for victims and their families.

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  • First Aired
    June 7, 2020
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    40 min
  • Language