Tinga Tinga Tales Season 2 Episode 20

Ep 20. Episode 46 - Why Eagle Rules the Skies

  • TV-NR
  • July 3, 1905
  • 12 min

In Tinga Tinga Tales season 2 episode 20, titled "Why Eagle Rules the Skies" or Episode 46, viewers are taken on a journey to learn the story of the eagle and why it is able to rule the skies.

The episode opens with a narration by the wise old tortoise, who sets the scene by explaining that the animals of Tinga Tinga have always admired the freedom and power of the eagle as it soars through the skies. However, they have always wondered how the eagle came to be the ruler of the skies.

The story then shifts to the protagonist of the episode, an ambitious and adventurous young squirrel named Squizzer. Squizzer is determined to learn the secret of the eagle's ability to fly so high and fast, so he sets out to climb up a tall tree to get a better view of the bird.

As Squizzer climbs up the tree, he encounters various other animals who ask him what he is doing. He explains his mission to them, and they all offer their own opinions and advice on how to approach the subject of the eagle.

Eventually, Squizzer reaches the top of the tree and is able to get a close-up view of the eagle in flight. However, he is quickly scared off by the bird's sharp talons and decides to retreat back down the tree.

On his way down, Squizzer encounters a wise old owl who agrees to tell him the story of how the eagle came to rule the skies. The owl explains that long ago, all of the birds were equal and no one bird was considered superior to the others.

However, one day, a powerful and fearsome creature known as the Goshawk arrived in Tinga Tinga and began to terrorize the other birds. The Goshawk was able to fly higher and faster than any of the other birds, and he quickly established himself as the king of the skies.

The other birds were terrified, and they looked to the eagle for help. The eagle was hesitant at first, but he eventually agreed to challenge the Goshawk for the throne of the skies.

The two birds engaged in a fierce battle, but in the end, the eagle emerged victorious. From that day on, the eagle was recognized as the king of the skies, and all of the other birds looked up to him with respect and admiration.

Squizzer is impressed by the story and decides to share it with all of the other animals in Tinga Tinga. They all listen with rapt attention, and they come to understand why the eagle is such an important and respected animal.

The episode ends with the animals of Tinga Tinga looking up to the sky and admiring the eagle as it soars high above them. Squizzer realizes that while he may never be able to fly like the eagle, he can still pursue his dreams and achieve his goals in his own way.

Overall, "Why Eagle Rules the Skies" is an engaging and informative episode of Tinga Tinga Tales that teaches viewers about the importance of bravery, determination, and respect in achieving one's goals. The story of the eagle and the Goshawk is a timeless fable that will resonate with audiences of all ages, and the beautiful animation and colorful characters make for a visually stunning viewing experience.

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  • First Aired
    July 3, 1905
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    12 min
  • Language