CIA: Exiled

Watch CIA: Exiled

  • 1993
  • 92 hr

CIA: Exiled is a 1993 political thriller directed by Carl Schultz and starring George C. Scott and William Petersen. The film focuses on the strained relationship between two CIA agents, one of whom is forced into exile due to an operation gone wrong. The story is set against the backdrop of the CIA's involvement in the 1980s civil war in Nicaragua, highlighting the agency's ethically questionable strategies and the human cost of its actions.

The movie opens with veteran CIA agent Mark Farrow (George C. Scott) and his protégé Jamie Gallagher (William Petersen) attempting to arm rebel forces in Nicaragua against the Sandinista government. The operation goes wrong, resulting in the death of a prominent Sandinista official and the capture of several Americans. In the aftermath, Farrow is forced into early retirement while Gallagher is reassigned to desk duty in Washington D.C.

Farrow, bitter and disillusioned, moves to a small island off the coast of South America, where he spends his days drinking and fishing. Meanwhile, Gallagher struggles with his conscience over the events in Nicaragua and begins to investigate the circumstances surrounding the failed operation. As he uncovers evidence of Farrow's involvement in the botched mission, Gallagher becomes increasingly conflicted over whether to reveal the truth and risk his career or to protect his former mentor.

The tension between the two agents comes to a head when Gallagher is sent to the island where Farrow is living to investigate allegations of drug trafficking. The two men engage in a psychological battle, with Farrow attempting to manipulate Gallagher and convince him to keep quiet about their involvement in the failed mission. Gallagher must decide whether to stay loyal to his mentor or to seek justice for the innocent victims of the operation.

The movie is a tense and thought-provoking exploration of the moral ambiguities of intelligence work and the human toll of political conflict. The themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the personal cost of political ideology are woven throughout the story, creating a complex portrait of the individuals involved in the CIA's operations. The strong performances of Scott and Petersen add depth and nuance to their characters, and the stunning visuals of the South American landscape serve as a stark contrast to the brutal realities of war.

While the movie is set in the 1980s, its themes and perspectives remain relevant in today's world. It raises important questions about the role of intelligence agencies in political conflict and the ethical responsibility of those involved in such operations. In particular, the film's exploration of the consequences of the CIA's actions in Nicaragua resonates with ongoing debates about American foreign policy and interventionism.

Overall, CIA: Exiled is a gripping and intelligent thriller that engages both the emotions and the intellect. Its nuanced portrayal of complex characters and its exploration of important political issues make it a classic in the genre of political thrillers.

CIA: Exiled is a 1993 thriller with a runtime of 92 hours.

Where to Watch CIA: Exiled
CIA: Exiled is available to watch free on Crackle and Plex. It's also available to stream, download and buy on demand at Amazon Prime and Apple TV. Some platforms allow you to rent CIA: Exiled for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    92 hr