
Watch Pratibad

  • 2017
  • 2 hr 29 min

Pratibandh is an emotionally charged Bengali drama film that stars Prosenjit Chatterjee and Arpita Pal in lead roles. Directed by Tapan Sinha, this captivating movie takes the audience on a roller-coaster ride filled with love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of justice. Set against the backdrop of a rural Indian village, Pratibandh tackles sensitive social issues and explores the strength of human resilience and determination.

The story revolves around Mohan (Prosenjit Chatterjee) and Shoma (Arpita Pal), a couple deeply in love with each other. Despite their humble backgrounds, they dream of building a life together filled with happiness and prosperity. However, their dreams are shattered when Shoma's family forcefully arranges her marriage to an influential village thug, Harish (Ranjit Mallick).

Mohan, refusing to give up on his love for Shoma, musters the courage to confront Harish and express his love for Shoma. Harish, fuelled by his ego, refuses to back down and challenges Mohan to prove his worthiness for Shoma's love. Mohan, determined to fight for his love, sets out to find a stable job that not only supports his aspirations but also showcases his abilities to Harish.

The movie delves into the challenges faced by Mohan as he embarks on his journey to secure a stable future for himself and Shoma. The narrative explores themes of dedication, hard work, and moral strength. As Mohan battles societal norms and economic struggles, he finds solace in the unwavering support of his friends and family.

Pratibandh beautifully encapsulates the hardships faced by Mohan and the sacrifices he must make to overcome the obstacles in his path. The film also sheds light on the inequalities and unfair social structures prevalent in rural India during the time it was set. Through Mohan's character, the audience witnesses the struggle faced by many individuals who lack privilege and must fight against the odds to achieve their dreams.

The intense performances by Prosenjit Chatterjee and Arpita Pal bring depth and authenticity to the characters they portray. Their on-screen chemistry is palpable, resonating with the audience and evoking a deep emotional response. Prosenjit Chatterjee brilliantly portrays the complexities and internal conflicts of Mohan's character, displaying a range of emotions from love and determination to vulnerability and despair.

Director Tapan Sinha showcases his masterful storytelling skills in Pratibandh, skillfully balancing the romantic and dramatic aspects of the film. The cinematography beautifully captures the lush landscapes of rural India, immersing the audience in the settings and enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Pratibandh not only entertains but also provokes thought and introspection. It challenges societal norms and questions the prevailing systems of injustice, leaving the audience contemplating the importance of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of one's dreams. The film is a powerful depiction of the indomitable human spirit and the lengths one is willing to go for love and justice.

In summary, Pratibandh is an emotionally charged Bengali drama that showcases the power of love and determination. Prosenjit Chatterjee and Arpita Pal deliver breathtaking performances, making the audience root for their characters throughout the film. Director Tapan Sinha skillfully weaves an engaging narrative that tackles societal issues and leaves a lasting impact. Pratibandh is a must-watch for those seeking an enthralling cinematic experience that resonates long after the credits roll.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    2 hr 29 min