The Encore of Tony Duran

Watch The Encore of Tony Duran

  • NR
  • 2011
  • 6.6  (72)

The Encore of Tony Duran is a drama film from director Fred A. Sayeg, released in 2011. The movie mainly focuses on Tony Duran, played by Gene Pietragallo, a once promising musician and songwriter, who has now been struggling to get his career back on track. The other main cast members include Elliott Gould as Arlen Hickey, his estranged father, and William Katt as Tom Hester, Tony's longtime friend and manager.

The film opens with Tony Duran being released from prison after serving a sentence for a crime that he committed years before. He returns to his hometown, where he is met by Tom, who is eager to help him get his musical career back on track. Tony is initially reluctant, but with Tom's encouragement, he soon agrees to work on a new album.

As Tony begins the process of writing and recording new music, he reunites with his father Arlen, who had abandoned him and his mother when he was just a child. Tony is hurt and angry at his father, but the two gradually begin to reconcile as they work on a song together.

Throughout the movie, we see flashbacks of Tony's life before his incarceration, which helps to explain some of his struggles and pain. In one of these flashbacks, we see Tony as a young man, falling in love with a beautiful singer named Bella. The two begin a passionate relationship, but it is cut short when Bella is killed in a tragic accident. This event haunts Tony throughout the film, and it is clear that he has never truly been able to move on from her death.

As Tony continues to work on the album, he faces various obstacles and setbacks. His relationship with Tom becomes strained as the pressures of the music industry begin to take their toll, and Tony's own doubts and insecurities threaten to derail his progress. However, with the support of his father and some unexpected help from a young waitress named Elena, played by Nancy Youngblut, Tony is able to persevere and ultimately put on a successful concert.

The Encore of Tony Duran is a poignant and heartfelt movie that explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the power of music. The performances are strong, with Pietragallo delivering a particularly impressive and moving portrayal of a man struggling to find his way back to the thing he loves most. The film is also notable for its use of music, with several original songs featured throughout that add depth and emotional resonance to the story.

Overall, The Encore of Tony Duran is a thoughtful and engaging drama that will resonate with anyone who has ever struggled to overcome adversity and follow their dreams. It is a film about the power of forgiveness, the beauty of second chances, and the enduring legacy of love and art.

The Encore of Tony Duran is a 2011 drama. It has received mostly positive reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.6.

The Encore of Tony Duran
Where to Watch The Encore of Tony Duran
The Encore of Tony Duran is available to watch free on Pluto TV, Tubi TV and Vudu Free. It's also available to stream, download and buy on demand at Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play and YouTube VOD. Some platforms allow you to rent The Encore of Tony Duran for a limited time or purchase the movie and download it to your device.
  • Release Date
  • MPAA Rating
  • IMDB Rating
    6.6  (72)