A Wild Year On Earth Season 1 Episode 3

Ep 3. A Time of Volatility: May - June

  • February 6, 2021
  • 50 min
  •   (6)

A Wild Year On Earth season 1 episode 3 titled A Time of Volatility: May-June takes us on a journey through some of the most unpredictable and dramatic months in the animal kingdom. As winter gives way to spring, May and June mark a time of rebirth and rejuvenation for many creatures, while others are faced with the challenge of survival.

The episode begins by exploring the Arctic region, where the ice is thawing, and the polar bears are starting to emerge from their dens. As the bears make their way across the melting ice, they must compete with other predators, such as the arctic fox, for food and territory. Meanwhile, further south, in the African savannah, May signals the start of the wildebeest migration. Millions of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles make their way across the vast plains of the Serengeti, in search of fresh grazing pastures. Along the way, they must navigate treacherous river crossings, where hungry crocodiles lurk.

As May turns into June, the episode shifts its focus to the temperate forests of North America, where black bears are emerging from their dens after a long winter. The bears are on a mission to find food, and their keen sense of smell leads them to one of nature's most abundant sources: insects. The park's various species of ants provide a perfect high protein meal for the hungry bears. However, they must also contend with rival bears, who are also looking for a tasty meal.

The episode moves further south into the Amazon rainforest, where June marks the beginning of the dry season. As the rivers recede, giant otters and caimans must adapt to the changing conditions. The otters hunt for fish in the shallow waters, while the caimans must find new territories to ward off predators and to find enough food to sustain their energy.

As the episode draws to a close, we head to the Australian outback, where June signifies the start of the breeding season for kangaroos. Males fight for dominance to gain access to females, while mothers must protect their young from a range of predators, including snakes, eagles, and wild dogs. Further north, in the mountains of Nepal, the monsoon season brings with it spectacular thunderstorms and heavy rainfall, which triggers the mating rituals of the red pandas. In a dramatic display of agility and acrobatics, the pandas must impress potential mates with their skills as climbers and tree-dwellers.

Overall, the A Wild Year On Earth season 1 episode 3 A Time of Volatility: May-June provides viewers with an in-depth look into the diverse range of challenges and opportunities that animals face during these dramatic months. From the icy Arctic to the lush rainforests of South America, each species must navigate the complexities of their environment, fighting for survival, and continuing their legacy for the next generation.

Watch A Wild Year On Earth - A Time of Volatility: May - June (s1 e3) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent
A Wild Year On Earth, Season 1 Episode 3, is available to watch and stream on AMC +. You can also buy, rent A Wild Year On Earth on demand at Apple TV Channels, Amazon Prime online.
  • First Aired
    February 6, 2021
  • Runtime
    50 min
  • Language