Afropop: The Ultimate Cultural Exchange Season 8 Episode 2

Ep 2. Pan! Our Music Odyssey

  • January 25, 2016

In season 8, episode 2 of Afropop: The Ultimate Cultural Exchange, viewers are taken on a musical journey through the African diaspora. Titled "Pan! Our Music Odyssey," the episode delves into the history and evolution of Pan-African music.

The episode begins in Trinidad and Tobago, where the steelpan - a unique musical instrument made from oil drums - was invented. Viewers are introduced to some of the master pan players who have dedicated their lives to honing their craft and passing it down to future generations. The steelpan is not only a symbol of Trinidad and Tobago's cultural heritage, but also a powerful tool for social change, as it has been used to express resistance against colonialism and oppression.

From Trinidad and Tobago, the episode moves to Senegal, where viewers are introduced to some of the most innovative musicians of our time. We meet Youssou N'Dour, one of Africa's biggest music stars, as well as lesser-known but equally talented musicians such as Baaba Maal and Cheikh Lô. These artists have been instrumental in popularizing the music of Senegal and bringing it to audiences around the world.

The episode also explores the way in which music has played a role in political and social movements throughout history. We meet some of the activists who have used music as a tool for revolution, such as Fela Kuti, the Nigerian musician who is considered the father of Afrobeat. Kuti's music was not only a form of entertainment, but also a means of speaking out against corruption and oppression in his country.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to a wide range of musical styles, from the upbeat rhythms of Trinidadian calypso to the soulful melodies of Senegalese Mbalax. We learn about the cultural significance of each style, and how it reflects the unique experiences and struggles of the people who created it.

Ultimately, "Pan! Our Music Odyssey" is a celebration of the power of music to connect people across borders and cultures. Whether through the joyful sounds of a steelpan band or the impassioned lyrics of a protest song, music has the ability to inspire and unite people in a way that few other art forms can. This episode of Afropop: The Ultimate Cultural Exchange captures that spirit and brings it to life in a way that is both entertaining and enlightening.

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  • First Aired
    January 25, 2016
  • Language